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I laid in bed and I was texting mine and Yuri's friend Phichit Giacometti, he's from Thailand and he was one of the few people that my brother loved skating with and they always seemed to be hanging out. They truly were best friends. Phichit trained under the same coach as Yuri so we were always together. We were talking about Yuri and how we were worried that he may not return this season. It was getting really late and mom and dad were watching tv with the rest of the family and a couple other people me and my brother were friends with. I decided to go check on my brother because I hadn't heard anything from him in a while so I walked down the hall to his room and when I walked in he was staring at the ceiling. I plopped on his bed trying to get his attention if only a little to get him to not look so sad. God, he's really put on weight and he looks so miserable. That's it I have an idea!

I grabbed my brother's hand and he looked at me confused.

"Nina? What are you doing?" I stood up dragging him off the bed.

"Come on lazy bones, grab your skates. We're gonna go to ice castle"

"W-what but I-" I cut him off smiling when I said

"Come on you look miserable and if you keep looking so sad I'm not gonna leave this damn room" I could see my brother form a small smile as he let go of my hand and reached over to get his bag with skates. We left the house and once we hit the bridge I looked at him as we were halfway up it. I gave Yuri a devilish grin "I'll race you" Then I took off. I laughed as I heard him yelling after me and struggling to catch up with me "Come on Brother! I know you have more stamina in you than that" My brother had really let himself go since the Grand Prix but I knew that this little bit of exercise would be good for him. He can yell at me about it later I don't care. Once we made it to the ice castle I let my brother catch his breath for a minute before we had headed inside. It had been a while since we were here, it felt really good to be back. I looked at the counter and I could see our friend Yuuko taking care of some skates. Once she heard the bell ding she called out "Sorry we're closed please come back tomorrow" I laughed as she never once took her eyes off the skates. I smiled at my brother as he looked at Yuuko and said: "You don't mind if you let two friends skate for awhile do you?" She looked at me and my brother and her eyes lit up.

"Nina! Yuri! your home! When did you get in"

"We just arrived back home this morning. You really don't mind if we skate for awhile do you?" I asked

"Of course I don't mind the rink is always open to you guys here any time. I'll come down and watch you guys skate if you don't mind" we smiled at Yuuko telling her she could join us and that we were very thankful. We got our skates on and I could see just how much this was cheering my brother up. The ice is like our second home, we spent every day here learning. I looked at my brother's skates and you could see the laces were so worn they were frayed or maybe that's because Victor liked to eat them. I giggled softly at the thought. We really miss Victor I wish we would have been home so we could say goodbye to him one more time. I finished lacing my baby blue skates and I got out on to the ice. I did a couple laps around. I looked at my brother and gave him a wink. He knew then it was a competition. We skated as fast as we could around the ice doing spins around each other.

We grabbed hands and we started dancing on the ice. I could see how happy Yuri was at this moment and it was not that I realized he had forgotten about the finals. He picked me up as we skated and then he set me down and we continued our little dance around the ice. When we were almost done we broke from the middle and we were supposed to both do a Tripe toe loop but sadly I'm the only one who can land it still. I watched my brother go down and once he landed I went over to him and he was laughing. "I'll get it one of these days" I laughed along as I grabbed his hand to help him up. He then pulled me in for a sudden hug and he said "Can I have the ice for a minute I wanna show you and Yuuko something" I hugged him tightly and said: "The ice is all your's brother" When we let go we skated in different directions, I went to get off the ice and he went to the middle of the ice. Yuuko looked at me starry-eyed "You guys are amazing, why don't you duet skating" I smiled looking at my brother and said "Because I love him too much to wanna compete for each other's thunder"

Yuri, once he was center and calm he yelled to us "So I've been working on this alone for a while and I wanna know what you guys think" Just then yuri broke out into this huge skate routine with spins and other movements and that's when I saw it. I was looking at a perfect copy of Victor Nikiforov's Gold medal performance of stay close to me. I was practically staring at Victor. I remember back when we were going to come home we saw Victor at the airport.

*flashback to airport*

I was trying to cheer my brother up as he was so damn bummed about getting 6th place. Nothing seemed to cheer him up, I even told him he could have a lot of pork cutlet bowls when he gets home. That didn't even seem to faze him. I looked up and walking past us was Yuri Plisetsky, we met eyes and he seemed to blush and look away. "That's odd I thought to myself, we were fighting hours ago" Next to him was Victor Nikiforov, he is mine and my brother's idol. I built up the courage to wave and what did Yuri do? Yuri just stood there like a fish out of water. Ugh! what am I going to do with this depressed boy? I caught his attention and he waved back then he looked at my brother and said: "Do you want a picture?" He smiled brightly at my brother than before either of us could answer I was literally being dragged away to board the plane by Yuri.

"What the hell Yuri why'd you do that we could have gotten a picture!"

"I just wanna go home" He looked as if he was gonna cry again. I felt bad for yelling now so I grabbed his hand as we walked. "yeah, okay, let's go home brother"

*Flashback over*

Yuri skated a perfect performance and when he finished I jumped onto the ice and I hugged him practically tackling him to the ground. He laughed but he looked and saw me and Yuuko both in tears. "What's wrong guys?" Yuuko beat me to it when she said "That was amazing! It was a perfect copy of stay close to me!" I then thought about it and he landed all the jumps just like victor. I smacked his arm and he said "Ow what was that for Nina!" I gave him a serious look: "Why is it you land all of victor's jumps but you can't land ours!" we both than we begin to skate off the ice and we were both tackled with hugs from three small children and an older guy. The three little kids were Yuuko's daughters and the older gentleman was her husband Takeshi Nishigori, I remember as kid's he always teased my brother and Yuuko and I would defend him. Now look at those two, there happily married, own the ice castle and they have a set of triplet girls. There's no better happy ending than this.

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