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We later walked home after catching up with Yuuko and her family, her daughters are adorable, they are definitely going to be skaters one day. When we got home Yuri stopped me before I could walk to my room and he looked at the floor trying to avoid eye contact. What's wrong with him?

"Yuri is everything okay? Aren't you happy to be home?" Yuri shook his head and said:

"yes, I'm happy to be home but-but I don't think I want to continue skating..." Wait did he just say that. He can't be serious! Yuri dropped to the floor on his knees and started crying "I don't want to let the family down anymore" He doesn't realize how proud of him we are. I hugged him as he shook and cried and I whispered in his ear.

"You can't give up. You can't retire because if you do I'll retire." He sat up and looked me in the eyes. "you can't do that Nina! You're amazing!" I held his face as I wiped the tears away "Yuri mom and dad are very proud of you, they don't need you coming home with medals for them to be proud. They love you more than anything. I'm proud of you brother and I will always support you no matter what. I love you brother" Yuri smiled and I could tell he was finally believing me and listening "I love you too Nina" I helped him up and gave him one more hug before he walked away to his room. When I got to my room I got on my phone and was scrolling through my photos looking at all the photos Yuri and I took together with the skaters goofing around and being idiots. I loved the boys skating season more than my own because a lot of the girls can be nasty skating against them. Maybe it's just because I don't make very good friends with girls but I would rather hang out with Yuri and his friends than the girls I skate against. I had long sleeves on as it gets really cold skating in the ice castle. When I pulled my sleeves back I could see the scars left on my wrists not only from myself but from my ex-boyfriend. He was so nasty and abusive. I'm glad I got away from him.

I rolled my sleeves back up ignoring the scars for another day and I drifted off to sleep.

*1 week later*

When I woke up in the morning the whole hot spring seemed to be excited. Mom came in to wake me up and she said "I wanted to wake you first because there's someone wanting to talk to your brother. He's quite handsome" Great mom's playing matchmaker again. "Yes mama I'll be out to help him check in, in just a moment" I got dressed and put on a pair of leggings and a long sleeve baby blue t-shirt that had a pair of skates on it. I walked out to the desk and the first thing I noticed was a huge brown poodle standing tall at the desk. I bent down to pet him and he licked my face "Haha your a cutie aren't you. You look just like our old dog but much bigger. Who do you belong to?" That's when it dawned on me there's only one person my brother and I know who has a poodle like this. This can't be happening...

I stood up and there stood a man "Makkachin what are doing silly boy" I smiled wide. This can't be happening Victor Nikiforov is standing in my families hot spring. "Wait I know you, your Nina Katsuki you won gold last year for women's figure skating" wow he knows who I am...Okay, Nina keep yourself together.

"Yeah, that's me. Have you been checked in? I can help you move your things to your room if you would like."

"Yes I've been checked in, I'll take you up on that offer later my stuff has not quite arrived yet" Wait is he really moving in here for a while. Oh my god, I can't wait to tell Yuri. Wait? Why is Victor here?

"Excuse me, Victor, can I ask you a question?" he gave me a bright smile and said, "Sure what's up?" Wow that Russian accent is almost as heavy as Plisetsky's

"Why are you in Japan? Are you visiting?" He gave me a happy grin "I'm here to coach Yuri Katsuki, I hope you know him. I saw his video of him skating to my gold medal routine and it inspired me" I couldn't help but let my jaw drop. Wait a minute? When did he see that? I think Victor could read my thoughts and at that moment he pulled out his phone and showed me the video. Someone had recorded his routine and put it on youtube. I didn't do it, I was there and I know Yuuko didn't that's when I knew it had to of been the triplets. I giggled softly. I smiled at Victor, "Well it was lovely to talk in person. Why don't you head up to the spring and check it out? I can watch Makkachin if you want."

"I would love that, He'll be okay he's a good boy he won't go very far without me." I nodded and then he walked off with a bright smile.

I can't believe that just happened. At that moment Makkachin went outside and I let him. If Victor says he'll be okay I'll believe him. I turned around to go to my room when I saw Yuri just about to go out and shovel the snow. My brain was so broken that I didn't know what to think. Yuri came up waving a hand in my face "Are you, okay sis? You look like you've seen a ghost or your idol" Well you could say that. Yuri walked past me and went to go out the door when all of a sudden Makkachin came bursting through the open door and he jumped on Yuri liking his face all over. Yuri started laughing "You look just like Victor but your much bigger. Wait a minute...." Yuri looked at me as wide-eyed as I was moments ago. I laughed and nodded "He's in the hot spring" Yuri scrambled to his feet forgetting the fact he had to shovel snow and he ran off to the hot spring.

I followed close on his heel and when we got there sitting in the spring was Victor. He saw Yuri and stood up. Oh my god, what am I doing he's naked. I looked away but Yuri was still staring at Victor in aw of the fact he was really here. "Yuri Katsuki, I am now your new coach and I am going to help you win gold at the next Grand Prix" Yuri stared in shock as I just stared at the wall catching glimpses of them both out of the corner of my eye. I can't believe this is happening. I wonder what is going through Yuri's head right now. This may be what we needed this will be the push we needed to stop Yuri from retiring.

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