Chp 1

108 4 6

"Come on Jannie kick the ball!" Jacob yelled, throwing the kickball for the 3rd time.

"I am!" Jannie yelled back, bolting for the ball swinging her leg  and then missing. The whole out field groaned.

"Lets jus call that an out!" Levi, called from thrid base.

"I'll just kick for her." I said, scooting through the line of my best friends and stood in front of Jannie.

"Thanks!" She whispered running to the end of the line. I smirked at Jacob, bending my knees, as the kickball twirled on the ground head right for me. I stepped a few steps forward, and WHAM! I kicked the ball as hard as anyone could possible kick it and bolted for first base.

"Catch it!" Nate yelled.

"Toss it here!" Levi screamed

"Get her!" Ryan, booed.

"You'll never catch me!" I said grinning evil. The second base was getting closer, and then, suddenly stopping at the second base, seeing the Jacob with the ball in his hand.

Emma, was just getting in line, when she got distracted and looked up. Everyone else incluiding me followed her gaze. Huge black storm clouds swirled in the sky, lighting threatening to curse the ground as it lit up in the sky.

"We should get inside.." I said, taking a step backwards.

"Oh my god guys dont be such babies! Its just a thunder strom. Besides its probably miles away." Ryan, aka, the know-it-all, said putting his hands on his hips.

"Ryan's right. Lets just play." Emma said, bouncing her knees up and down as the ball rolled towards her. She kicked it lightly, and bolted to first, as I bolted to third. Jacob dove towards the ball, scooping it up, and shook his hair.

"You can fix your hair later!* I called giggling.

He gleared daggers at me, before speaking "Im not-" He paused, his voice going higher obviously imatiating mine. "Fixing my haair-" He lowered his voice again " I felt rain drops on me." As soon as he said that we all looked up, seeing the dark ominous clouds looming over us.

"Ow!" I squeaked, rubbing my eye "A raindrop just landed right on my eye"  I said, rubbing it again. 

"Big deal." Nate said.

"Yeah well that raindrop actually hu-" I was interupted by the door that leads into my yard swinging open.

"Kids, get inside. There is supposed to be a nasty storm headed our way." My mom Lindy, spoke. Suddenly The clouds poored their water on us, and we all squealed running inside.

"To the basement!" My mom tried to yell over our stomping feet and shrieks.

We all huddled into my basement's bathroom which oddly smelled like vanilla and included no windows.

My mom came in and closed the door. "Ok now im going to call your parents and tell them, that-" And suddenly the lights went out. Me and Emma screamed, hugging each other, as everyone else talked in fear.

"Wait! Guys! Do you feel that?" All of our chatter stopped, when Jannie yelled.

"Guys... earthquakes dont happen in Minnesota, right?!" Levi said paniced as the ground shook more violently.

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