Jackieboy Man

42 3 0

Jackieboy Man. That's who I am. Or, well, who I was. I gave up the superhero life a while ago. So I am not responsible for the people of this city anymore. Currently, I am staying in an abandoned warehouse previously used for housing dangerous chemicals.
Since I had left, there were fewer and fewer people in the city. Apparently, there was something unknown killing off the people. Honestly, I didn't care anymore. I had begun spray painting. Wow. Superhero turned graffiti artist. What a life. I gathered my cans, the clinking breaking the dead silence of the night. I felt a Cheshire-like grin settle on my face as I passed by the empty city, not a breath stirred or movement made.
Must have been something in the water.
Storymatic Cards;
Wild card- Tell your story in first person
Graffiti artist
City is changing
Something is wrong with the water

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