Mysterious Small Man

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Ryouko knew the first thing she would have to do is figure out where she was. Which wasn't as simple as it sounded. Most people blew her off as being... bizarre, due to her outstanding ability to forget someone moments after learning their name. If memory loss could be a talent, Ryouko would be the Super High-school Level Amnesiac.

She glanced around, looking for anybody who may have any clues to her whereabouts. 

"Hey big sis!" a voice suddenly said behind her. 

"Eek!" Ryouko couldn't help but bounce back, it turned out that behind her, a small man had been staring up her... 'Well, he couldn't have been meaning to do it on purpose, he was an awfully small guy!' she reassured herself, slightly pulling down the skirt which the kid's (?) eyes had been directed straight up just moments ago.

"Do I know you??" It was instinct for Ryouko to ask that question, she could never really be sure with anyone-- except for Matsuda-kun, of course.

"Aw, did you forget about me again, sister?" The young man-- boy? Kid? Looked upset, clearly offended by the fact he'd been forgotten (?) about.

"I'm Yuto Kamishiro! We're lovers!" 

"EEEEEEEH??!" Ryouko screeched.

"But! Th-that's impossible!! I love Matsuda-kun! Aren't you just a kid?! You sure look like one! Don't mess with me just because I can't remember anything! That's really rude!! Don't you know any manners at all?!" 

Kamishiro inhaled, puffing up his chest in annoyance.

"Geez, sister! Can't even take a joke!"

Ryouko's lip quivered. Her intense love for Matsuda had engulfed her, but only momentarily.

"I...I'm sorry! I didn't know you were joking!" She quickly spat out an apology, her face beaming red with embarrassment.

"Whoa, sister! You look as red as my... as a habenero! You should take a couple deep breaths. Need CPR? I'd love to help you out." Kamishiro retorted, wiggling his eyebrows strangely. Ryouko wasn't sure what he was trying to accomplish. 

She had a feeling that it... what was she thinking about, again? Ryouko wasn't sure. Whatever impression Yuto had given her was quickly forgotten, such was the way of an amnesiac like her. 

Ryouko stared blankly for a little while. She had found another person, but had completely forgotten what she was going to do in the first place. Placing her fingers against the temples and her head, and rubbing, she focused hard, desperately attempting to remember what she was going to ask about.

 "Oh! That's it!" 

Kamishiro was a little surprised by Ryouko's sudden outburst.

"Huh? What are you thinking, sister? Have you finally come to your senses and have decided once and for all, that you're the Bond Babe in this story...? You can leave that Matsuda guy behind and come after me instead! After all,"

Kamishiro paused, stuffing bread into his face. Although Ryouko hadn't noticed, Yuto had been carrying a paper bag full of bread the entire time. Quite regular for him, actually.

"thmff iff ay *sphh* stmmrff"

"No! That isn't it at all! Do you know where the dojo is, Kamishiro-kun?!"

Yuto's shoulders drooped, it was evident that Ryouko hadn't been paying attention at all.

"Do you, do you?!?" Ryouko insisted.

Yuto sighed, "Yeah, I know where it is... Oh...Tatiana Romanova, how I long for your love..."

"Well then, where is it!? I need to see Matsuda-kun...! It's very important!"

"It's upstairs, go down the hall and then to your left. You'll find him there...unfortunately..."

The last comment was barely audible, for Kamishiro's own sake.

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you!! I could just kiss you right now! Me and Matsuda-kun are going to be so happy together, when we leave this academy, and get married, and have children! They'll have all of his adorable features-- and hopefully we'll have a son that's just as handsome as he is... Not that I would do anything! And-- I'm sure that I'd make a great mother, even if I am forgetful. But I really love Home alone, and that's a movie for kids! So I'm sure my kids would love it too-- and I want to name our son after Mukoolaide Chalkin! Wait-- I mean-- Macaulay Culkin! Ahahahahahah... Matsuda-kun has reminded me so many times and I still can't remember... I'm terribly ditzy! That's what he calls me, 'a dumb ditzy whore'... But I still love him with all my heart!! He's the only person I can remember, after all..."

Ryouko took a moment to catch her breath. And found herself overwhelmed by excitement once again.

"Ooohh, Matsuda-kuuuun~! I can't wait for you to confess your feelings to me!"

"Alright sister! Calm down...! Now isn't the time to be erupting in pleasure! We can do that in my dorm later."

Ryouko paid no mind to what he had to say. She was already dashing off. On her way to see her beloved 'Matsuda-kun'.

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