Enter Mukuro

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Mukuro Ikusaba was a regular student of Hope's Peak. A regular student, in a regular school. That's who she was. A little withdrawn, had some unnatural talent with killing, etc, etc.

She wasn't really a big deal. 

But, she was going to be relevant to this story anyways. As all stories are, if you mention a character they are obviously going to end up being relevant, and Mukuro's time for relevance was now-- seeing as our main character has just slammed into her at a very, VERY high speed.

"OW!" Ryouko yelped. She had floored Mukuro. 

Mukuro said nothing, which began an awkward silence between them. Ryouko would have expected for Mukuro to get mad, or maybe even sad, but the girl sat...emotionless. 


Ryouko got off the floor. Mukuro allowed herself to remain, glaring at Ryouko, but not in disdain. It was a cold stare. Ryouko felt kind of unsettled, unsure of what to say or do. 'Maybe this girl is just a little bit strange...?' she thought. 

"W-Well! I'll be going now! I'm sorry for running into you, but..."

"...But I..."

In that moment, Ryouko realized she'd completely forgotten what she was doing again. Which was an inconveinence for her, because she knew that whatever it was, was VERY very important. 

She couldn't help but be irritated at herself for a while, her memories had faded from her as quickly as they had returned before. She couldn't remember what she was doing before she knocked into this girl-- and now that she thought about it, she could barely remember that that just happened, too.

"I'm Mukuro Ikusaba"

The girl suddenly pierced through the silence, paying no mind to the fact that Ryouko had left her statement at a cliffhanger.

"It's... nice to... meet you?" Ryouko couldn't really lie very well. It was one of her worse qualities. She only hoped that Mukuro wouldn't be offended by her less-than enthusiastic reply.

"You're... Ryouko Otonashi?" 

It suddenly became clear to Ryouko that Mukuro knew who she was, by the way she was speaking and everything, her awkwardness was that of someone who would expect to be recognized, but obviously wasn't. Ryouko began flipping through her 'Ryouko Otonashi's Memory Notebook' in hopes of finding the name 'Mukuro Ikusaba' hastily strewn across a page.

She couldn't find anything. However, she did find... doodles of ...Matsuda...


"Matsuda-kun!" Ryouko shouted, now completely unattentive to Mukuro's presence.

"Matsuda-kun...?" Mukuro repeated.

"Matsuda-kun! That's it! I need to find him...!"

Ryouko's heart was once again set ablaze with passion.

Mukuro was slightly caught off-guard, "Um... you mean... the Ultimate Neurologist...?" Her question was more of a whisper, it was obvious that she was kind of flustered thinking about him. Could it be possible that Ryouko had competition? Or, was it for another reason...? Ryouko couldn't help but ponder, but disregarded it, considering she didn't know who Mukuro was... and considering Matsuda didn't leave his lab very often.

"Yes! I'm looking for him...! Do you know where he is? We're to-be lovers!"

Mukuro flushed. "U-Uhm..."

"Hey! What are you so embarrassed about?! Don't tell me... do you like Matsuda-kun too? I'm sorry but if that's the case I'm not going to allow it!"

"No! Of course not!!" Mukuro's sudden outburst was slightly out of character, but she wasn't sure how else to deal with the... situation at hand. The insinuation that she had a crush on a boy was all too similar to... experiences she had had with her sister. It wasn't the thought of Yasuke being her crush, or anything, that embarrassed her... just the thought of her younger sister's teasings was enough to... turn her into a stuttering mess.

"You're... going to the dojo? It's just down this hall."

"Oh! so you know where Matsuda-kun is? Thank you so much!!" 

Ryouko skipped as she ran. Her future was waiting for her.

Matsuda-kun was waiting for her.

A future... with Matsuda-kun.


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