baby daddy

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Haidar is back!

I ran to my baby daddy and jumped on him. 'Baby daddy' it feels so good to say that. Yusuf picked him up, it took the whole day begging him to keep his mouth shut.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He chuckled "Well isn't this nice, A hug like this when I return is what makes me want to travel" he teased. I missed him, I missed his teasing.

"I missed you" I whisper not letting go

"I missed you more my love" I flutter my lashes and he smiles

"Gosh, what happened to you two. I remember clearly when you can't stand each other and now you're allover each other" he huffed, I drop from haidar's body and walk to him

"I was told pregnant women can be violent" I whisper

"Hit me and I'll tell him" he threatens

"I'll hit you after I tell him"

"You need to bathe, you stink" I say to haidar as I drag him inside the house

"I'm ganna go" Yusuf announced, my eyes went wide. He knows I need him for moral support, his words were 'You don't need me, you'll be fine'

My eyes were pleading but he ignored them, Haidar shooed him off and pulls me in. "I get to have you all to myself" he coos

I throw Yusuf a 'Thunder fire you' look(I don't know if this is used in other countries, its a Nigerian slag which I could say is "Damn you"My Nigerians comment and tell me what you think it is)

Once inside the house Haidar carried me bridal style up the stairs " Hey, were are you talking me"

He smiled slyly "You said I need a bath, so let's take one together"

I try to get down but his grip on my waist tightens "its Sunnah to bathe with your husband" he whispers huskily. As unbelievable as it is, we have never bathe together.

"I don't want to" I cross my arms over my chest and turn my face to prevent him from seeing my now crimson cheeks. "I demand it of you, as you husband" He mocks command and I scoff.

"You will bath with me, even if it means chaining you to the tub" Did he just threaten to tied me down.

I smirk "Good luck with that" He walks into the bathroom with me perched up in his arms and opens the tab, he fills the jacuzzi with hot water and dips a finger to check the if temperature is too high "perfect" he mumbles.

He braces me the sink and began unbuttoning my shirt, I gasp and smack his hand away "are you crazy?" I yell

"Fine, bathe with your clothes on then" I stubbornly didn't bulge, I didn't undress and just sat there

He removed his shoe and socks the rolled his sleeves, picked me up and sat in the hot tub with his clothes on "Are you ganna bathe fully dressed?"

"Yep" he popped the 'p'

I roll my eyes and settle into the water "good, bathing fully clothed is a thing now"

He chuckles and carried me out "I won't let you bathe with me even if you beg" he bluffs and locks the bathroom door

I undress and wear one of my favorite faded oversized hoodie and settled on bed, It was 9pm and I'm sleepy. It took them two hours to get home due to traffic, the plane landed at 7pm.

I pretend to be asleep when haidar got out,His towel hanged low on his waist "pretender" he mumbles and I snort. He began tickling me and rolled on the bed laughing my head off "I'm... sorry
..please ....stop" I beg in between laughs but he tickled more. He knows I'm very ticklish


"Please, your child can't take anymore"

He freezes, I mentally smack myself. I look at him for anything... Happiness, sadness any emotion but he remains frozen.

"Haidar, are you not happy I'm pregnant?"

He snaps out if it and place his hand on my stomach and smiled genuinely "You are, you're pregnant?"

I nod and he looked me in the eye "Thank you"

"For what"

"Making me the happiest man on earth. I'm really lucky to have you and you too" he says to my stomach

He takes me into an envelope of warmth, I lay my head on his bare chest and smile. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, this is the happiest I've ever been. I wouldn't trade this moment for the world, 'cause this is my world.



I don't feel her getting out of bed I just hear gagging sounds, and coughs. I rush to the bathroom and find her knelt on the bathroom floor puking her organs has been the same everyday for the past month. Morning sickness, one more month and It would go away.

I pull her hair away from her face and carry her from the ground, I run her through a warm bath which she struggled to get into. ''I can do it myself Thank you very much'' she rolls her eyes dramatically. When I ignore her she whacks me, she's been grouchy all this time.

Cravings,sensitivity, mood swings and more, has been part of everyday,and sometimes nights. Like three nights ago, she wanted boiled eggs. How strange is that? Boiled eggs and the worst part is she ate 5boiled eggs. Who eats so much?

Some nights she wants porridge specially prepared by her mother others she wants a kiwi, Another she wanted noodles. Exactly the one in Shanghai, what does she want me to do? fly to Shanghai and get her some?

I can't even whine about it or she'll get mad 'I didn't get myself pregnant' or 'why don't you carry the baby'. She's just two months pregnant, I wonder how she'll be at six.

I go out to make her breakfast as she baths. The request was 'scrambled eggs seasoned only with salt and garlic, waffles and chips but not crispy' they are chips! they are supposed crispy. If you don't want crispy chips then you want boiled potatoes. I set the plate and a cup of almond milk, she came down looking like a snack.

The only advantage to her pregnancy was 1.she was getting thick, in the right places and 2. Her hormones are crazy, she's legit always wanting.

I ate some waffles while making her 'non crispy chips', I left her eating and took a quick shower. I need to drop her at school and see Abba.

I took out the last apple flavoured candy in the bunch of candy I have in the car and throw it into my mouth, when she got into the car she sniffed the car and then me. "Did you take the apple?" I nod

"I wanted it" she whined, I swallowed hard. I didn't know and I mistakenly swallowed the last half in my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know"

She pouts. I have only one option now, I pull her and kiss her. Apple flavour is what she wants and its what she's getting. I still had the apple taste in my mouth, and honestly it has never tasted as good as it did now.

She hits my chest "Next time give me a heads up before sucking the life out of me. Shameless human being"

I steal glances at my beautiful pregnant wife as I drive her to school. I have never been as happy as I have been for the past month, even with all the grouch.

I'm happy for y'all. Nothing more than a happy husband, although I'm not married😂

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