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Something old. Check- The old vintage tiara from my mother's wedding. It was securely fastened in my tight bun. She had given it to me when she found out I was getting married. 

Something new. Check- The new diamond necklace that I was displaying on my neck. 

Something borrowed. Check- My lacy wedding garter. I had borrowed it from Mikaela. Don't even ask why she had one. She just did. 

Something blue. Check- The sapphire earrings I had gotten as a christmas gift.

And, the silver sixpence Mom had insisted on putting in my white heels. 

All these were to wish me good luck on my wedding day. 

After two years of being together with Blake, we hadn't grown apart at all. Instead, we got closer and fell deeper in love with each other. He'd proposed one day, in college, with the help of our classmates. They had each given me a rose when I was around school, and when I'd collected nineteen red roses, Blake had proposed, in front of everyone.

Obviously, I said yes.

"You're ready!" Tanya, my make-up artist gave me a dazzling smile, leading me to the full-length mirror. Tanya had lightly put light blue eyeshadow, and drawn on eyeliner lightly around my eye, smudging it a teensy bit to make it appear smokey. She had applied a cherry flavoured lipstick for my lips, claiming that it was so I would taste good when it was time for the kiss. My hair had been pinned up in a sock bun, with tendrils framing my face, and my intricately designed veil fit perfectly onto my head, covering my face with translucent fabric.

She helped me into my white dress, and I couldn't help but give a little excited twirl, watching the dress lift a little, revealing the frills underneath. It was a beautiful dress. It reached the ground, like all those traditional dresses, yet it seemed so fashionable, it being strapless and having flowery designs on parts of the skirt. 

"You look beautiful," Mom croaked, tearing slightly at the sight of me. She took out her digital camera and began snapping photos of me in different angles.

"Let's not overwhelm the bride, shall we?" Tanya said, lightly grabbing Mom's arm, and dragging her away.

Another woman led me out of the dressing room and to the closed double doors, where Mikaela was standing there as my maid of honor, along with two other girls I wasn't so familiar with as they were my distant cousins. Then, there was my little niece, Amanda along with the page boy who was Blake's little cousin, and finally, Blake's friend, Trent as his best man.

The two girls were lined in front of me, with their flowers in their hand. Mikaela stood behind them, Trent next to her grinning like a cheshire cat. Then, there was the flower girl, with her basket of roses. The page boy stood behind her holding the two wedding rings on the pillow, and finally, there was me. 

"When the music plays, you walk out as rehearsed," The woman directed, and I nodded, taking in a deep breath.

The Boyfriend Games (slowly editing; grammar issues)Where stories live. Discover now