7: Weekends

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It's only been a week in this school and I already started looking forward to the weekend. At least I can chill in my room all day.

"Wanna go to a party with us?" Trevor barges in the room.

"Good morning to you too. And how are you gonna go to a party when we can't leave school grounds?"

"We can on weekends you idiot. We can't possibly stay in here every day of our lives. So are you coming?"

That's why I should've probably read the rulebook. Oh well..it's lost in some trashcan now.

"What kind of party is it?" I look at him suspiciously.

"You know, normal high school party. Alcohol, girls, guys, some shitty music, the regular." He shrugs.

"I think I'll pass."

"Are you sure?"


"Have you even been to a party like that?" He crosses his arms. Well...

"Well no, but..."

"Then it's settled. You're having your first high school party tonight." I don't have a choice do I?

"If it's shit, I'm leaving." I point a finger at him.

"Okay. But it'll be fun. Believe me." Why does he sound like he's planning on killing me? Psycho weiner.

"I'm guessing Elliot is coming too?"

"Yup. Where I go he goes and vice versa." He goes into the bathroom.

"Get ready because we got more than an hour trip ahead." What? It's that far?

"Great. Why can't I just stick to my 'no'..." I mumble and try to find something nice, or nicer to wear.

Trevor is dressed way nicer than me. While I just slipped on my nicest black t-shirt and black skinny jeans he has a white short sleeved shirt and grey coloured ripped skinny jeans that fit his defined body perfectly. Ashby what the fuck are you thinking, you fucking perverted piece of shit!!?

"Ready?" Elliot opens the door unannounced.

"Yeah. Let's go so we don't miss the bus." We head out. I walk behind the two and I just notice that Elliot has a nice-. NO! Stop it Ashby! You will not have those thoughts right now. Actually not ever.
We get on the bus and after a way too long bumpy journey we arrive at a very posh looking house.

"Who's place is this?" I ask as we approach the door. That question is answered at the same moment.

"Elliot!" A blonde girl screams and bear hugs Elliot.

"Hey sis." He hugs her back. This is Elliot's house??? I mean he looks rich but damn.

"This is my twin sister Emilia." She looks very pretty. Just like her brother. God fucking dammit, I do it again. "Emilia, you already know Trevor and this is Ash." She waves and smiles at me.

"Hey." I say in return.

"Come on in. The party has already started." She pulls her brother by his hand and Trevor and I follow.

"Pretty cool huh?" Trevor nudges me as we walk somewhere.

"Yeah. I didn't know he was this rich."

"Now you know." We enter a big room filled with people and lighted with different coloured lights. Almost everyone is dancing while some are on the sides doing their thing.

"Lemme get you some drinks." Says Emilia and leaves the three of us.

"My sister throws the best parties around here." Elliot shouts over the loud music.

"I can see. Everyone looks like they're having fun." I say.

"Oh, the fun part is just starting."

Elliot was right. An hour ago I thought it looked fun, but now, now it's a full on rave. As much as I see, everyone looks drunk off their asses, including Elliot and Trevor. Guess I'm the designated friend. Both of them are dancing, actually no, they're jumping around, while I'm standing on the side. I'm not the dancing type so I'm cool with watching. I see Emilia go somewhere with a handsome guy and I have a pretty good guess where based off of their faces. I turn to look at my friends again but I only find Trevor. Oh shit. I better see where Elliot is, he's way to drunk to be alone.

I search through the party room but don't see him, then the kitchen and then I head upstairs. I don't open any if the door too afraid of what I'll see so I'm praying he isn't in any of those. The only place left is the terrace but no one is there either. Ah, some fresh air. I could barely breathe inside because of all the cigarette smoke and I don't know what else smoke. Maybe I can stay here a little.

As I'm standing someone suddenly comes from behind and grabs me by the waist, scaring me. I turn around and I'm ready to punch but I see that it's Elliot.

"Dickhead, you scared me." He laughs in return and says, "You should've seen your face."

"Oh shut up. Look how drunk you are."

"So what? I'm having fun!" He puts his arms up and yells.

"Why don't you drink Ash, we'll have fun together." He puts his hands on the rail on either side of me. He puts his face way too close to mine and says, "Wanna have fun?" He whispers with a very seductive voice. Shit. No, Ashby, no.

"I am." I gulp and look down at his lips that he licked.

"Ash...I really wanna kiss you...can I kiss you?" He puts both hands on my waist. Ash this is a bad idea.

"I...uh..."Is it though? He's drunk and he most probably won't even remember. And maybe I should get the first kiss over with. He won't remember.

He brushes his lips against mine, barely even touching them. Why is he doing this? Just...just kiss me already.
He finally does. At first it's just his lips against mine, unmoving, but then, he grips my waist and kisses me properly. I follow his movements and as soon as he slips in his tongue I push him away. He stumbles and falls down. Shit, I didn't mean to push so hard.

"Sorry." He's breathing hard and his face is obviously flushed. Maybe because of the alcohol. Maybe because of the kiss. Suddenly he starts laughing again. He lays down on the ground and laughs so much he curls into a ball. What is wrong with him?

"Elliot...are you okay?" I bend down next to him. Then, he completely stops laughing and pukes his guts out on the ground next to him. What a nice night...

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