24: Presents

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"STOP!" Trevor screams his lungs out as he chases Elliot in the dorm room hallways. I run after him in hopes of stopping him but they're too fast. We draw a lot of attention from by passers and some students even open their doors to see what the commotion is about. I don't enjoy the attention but I'm not close to the two screaming monkeys so nobody looks at me. Genuinely feeling bad for disrupting the quiet I mutter out 'sorry's' as I pass by everyone.

We would've never gotten into this situation if it wasn't for Elliot's brilliant idea of giving Trevor and I a gift. When we asked him why he replied with, "It's a 'congrats on your relationship' gift of course. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't give you something?" You'd be a normal friend that doesn't throw money on unneeded gifts. Even though we felt weirded out by him, we decided to open up the gift that was put in a blue box that had 'Have a merry relationship' written on it and of course Elliot himself wrote that with a golden marker. Also, it's good if I point out that he gave us this while we were eating in the lunchroom. A public space filled with people. As soon as Trevor removed the lid a bunch of undergarments springed out. A bunch of red, lacy, velvet, silky, black, pink, stringy, all you could ask for thongs. Yes, thongs. And they all sprawled over the table and floor around us. Elliot was dying of laughter, Trevor was ready to kill and I was dying of embarrassment. Half of the students around us erupting into laughter too didn't help at all.

"I'll murder you." Trevor growled out through gritted teeth.

That made Elliot's face to go pale as he stopped laughing. "Hehe, ah come on bud, it's all for laughs."

"Oh, you'll be laughing alright." He snickered evilly as he slowly stood up.

"If you'll excuse me I need to go to the ladies room." Elliot giggled and sprinted out of the lunchroom with Trevor hot on his heels.
I was left to be stared at so I scrambled to pick up all the thongs and shove them in the box before I ran after the idiots.

And that's how we ended up here. Running after each other, only I want to save one from the other. After passing almost every room in the building I was out of breath but thankfully I reach them. Trevor is standing outside of Elliot's room hitting the door repeatedly.

I place the box on the ground and say, "Hey, stop. Trevor." He continues. "Trevor!" I grab his forearm and pull him away.


"I'll kill him Ash. I'll cut off his-" I slap my hand against his mouth so he doesn't finish that sentence.

"Calm down. We'll talk. Not fight." I say as I drop my hand down.

"I'm doing this for you. Not for him." He huffs out.

"Hey Elliot. Open up, we'll just talk." I say against the door.

"Only you can come in. It's forbidden for Trevor to enter." Elliot says from the other side and I look at Trevor who nods for me to go.

"Go to our room and calm down. I'll be there in a minute." I brush his cheek with my palm. "And take the box."

"Okay. Be fast." He says with a pouty face. So adorable.

"Elliot it's just me, open up." I say when Trevor is far enough. Elliot slightly opens up and peaks. When he sees the coast is clear he opens for me to go in.

"I didn't have a bad intention Ash. I swear." I believe him.

"I know. And even though you made me mad and embarrassed both of us I forgive you. I know you meant it as a joke."

"You're an angel Ash. Thank you. I'll take you two out for dinner this weekend to apologize." He hugs me.

"Okay, cut out the hugs. It's awkward." I pat his back and he moves away.

"I'll give Alejandro something nice this week." I tell him.

"Alejandro and I aren't dating."

"It doesn't matter."

"No, don't do that." Are you embarrassed he might break it off with you Elliot?

"Why? I thought he didn't mean anything." Let's say this is revenge.


"Hm?" What? I didn't expect this to work.

"I may...like...him." He mumbles barely audible.

"Sorry?" I didn't know being evil felt this good.

"I said...I like him. Okay? I like him." Is he blushing?

"Why don't you tell him?"

"I don't know what he'll say. What if he rejects me?" I've never seen Elliot so worried about something so much before.

"You won't know if you don't say anything. And if he does he's missing out on a lot." I'm sure it'll be better after he tells him how he feels, it's worse if he goes on with this 'no strings attached' thing because he'll keep hurting himself.

"I won't be able to have what we have now. I'll lose him completely." I get him. I really do. I've been through it and now I'm glad that I've lost those people. I realized that they're really not worth it.

"Elliot, think of yourself first." I never did even though I knew I should've. If I couldn't take my own advice then I can help someone else with it.

"Do you think he likes me too?" He looks like a lost little boy.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But, believe me that it'll be better if you tell him. You can do it, I know you can, you're Elliot. The Elliot I know isn't afraid of confrontation."

"Okay. I will. I'll invite him to my room tonight and I'll tell him." He takes a deep breath and nods.

"That's good. Great. Trevor and I will surely be up so just come by to tell us how it went. And you'll tell Trevor then about this. I'll make sure he isn't angry anymore." I rub his shoulders in assurance.

"Thanks Ash." He goes for a hug but stops with his arms mid air. "No hugs."

"Fist bump?" I ask.

"Fist bump."

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