15: A chill day

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"Rise and shine Ashy boy! We got much to do." Elliot wakes me up, actually no, terrifies me up, by screaming in my ear. I jump up and almost fall down and I look at the idiots standing by my bed. Trevor starts clapping his hands in front of my face.

"Chop chop Ash. We ain't got all day."

"What for?" I grumpily ask.

"For a day away from this school duh." Elliot answers like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Hurry and go wash up and get dressed. We'll miss the bus." Trevor pulls me up by my hands and I stumble into the bathroom. I wash and get dressed inside and then I'm out again.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Surprise. Now pack your backpack with some food, a jacket or blanket or something and we'll go." Elliot says and motions for me to get on with it. I listen and pack what he said. Then we're off running down the stairs to catch the bus. We get on it just in time and take our seats at the far back.

"Not telling where huh?" I'm sat in the middle so I look over at both of them.

"You're smart. You'll know as soon as we get off the bus." Elliot says as he taps my thigh. We stay quiet the whole ride until we get off in the middle od nowhere.

"The forest? Are we gonna camp out?" I ask as soon as I see nothing but trees around us.

"Bingo." Says Elliot.

"Do you know where we are?" We start to walk into the forest.

"Nope. But we have a compass and a map so we'll know where to go if we get lost." Trevor informs me. I hope we don't get to a situation to need the compass.

We walk and walk for what seems hours but when I look at my phone it's actually just 20 minutes.

"I think this is a good spot." Trevor drops his backpack on the ground. I guess it's a good spot, there isn't any leaves or grass covering it, only soil. The trees are surrounding us and when I look up I see that they form a circle around the part we stand on. This is a nice place for stargazing. I inwardly smile at the thought.

"Let's set up the tent." Trevor takes the tent out of his backpack.

"Wait, only one tent?" Oh, shit.

"Yeah. It has enough room, don't worry." He says and I just hope that it's true. I help them set it up even though I don't know how. I see that it is a pretty good sized tent but it'll be a little tight inside. I place my backpack next to the tent and take out the blanket and throw it inside.

"Ash, you got a lighter?" Trevor asks and I see that he's made a little fireplace. I take out my lighter and hand it to him, he lights up the branches and dry grass and after blowing on it a little the fire is big enough to burn the thicker wood.

"Voila. That's how man made fire." He jokes.

"He didn't have a lighter." I say and Elliot snorts then starts laughing. I smile and Trevor couldn't help but do so too.

"You're a funny guy Ash." Trevor says after he sits down on a short log he rolled over.

"I try." I shuffle in my backpack looking for something to snack on.

"I'll just sit down here. I can wash my jeans." Elliot flops down on the ground. I take out a chocolate bar and munch on it as I try to look for something I can sit on. There's no way I'm making my jeans dirty. I have enough clothes to wash anyway.

"There's space next to me Ash. Sit." Trevor taps the space next to him. We'll sit extremely close to each other but it's better than the ground so I circle around the fire and sit down.

"Why did you guys wanna do this?" I break the silence.

"Because we wanted some adventure. Do something spontaneous you know?" Trevor answers. And he just lied. Why didn't he say the real reason? Does he think I'll misunderstand their kindness for pity?

"Really? Is that the real reason?"

"Yes silly. Why would we lie?" Elliot says this time as Trevor bumps his shoulder with mine.

"I don't know. But okay. I believe you." I don't because I know the real reason but let it be your way.

"So, what should we do to pass time? It's not even night yet." Elliot asks.

"We don't have to do anything. We can just enjoy the fresh air and quiet." I say as I take a deep breath in.

"Unlike you two I can't stay in one place so long. So, if you don't wanna keep me company, I'll go take a walk. And a leak. I need to pee badly." Elliot stands up and dusts off himself from the dirt. He turns around and walks off.

"Won't he get lost?" I ask.

"Nah. He's all bark and no bite so he'll just walk close to here and come back if a leaf falls and makes a noise." Trevor rolls his eyes and I don't know why I found what he said so funny but I laugh out loud. This is a bigger and louder laugh than the one with my mom. When I calm down I see Trevor staring at me.

"What? It was funny." I say. Stop looking at me like that. I already feel that my cheeks are hot.

"You look good when you laugh. You should do that more often." He says that casually, like it's no big deal.

"Trevor! Who says something like that?" Suddenly he's too close to me so I push him off the log and he ends up laying on his side on the ground.

"Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to push so hard." He completely ignores my apology and says, "Someone that likes you." I swear my heart literally stops for half a millisecond. I gulp and don't know what to say.

"Guys!!!" Elliot you lifesaver. He comes running towards us and pants when he reaches us. I take one last look at Trevor who's standing up now and cleaning the dirt off him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I got scared. I thought it was a wolf or something but it was actually a rabbit." Seriously....

"Why were you running then?" Trevor asks unamused.

"Because I was still scared. It's a wild rabbit." I mentally groan at his momentary stupidity.

"God Elliot...just, sit down." Trevor tells him as he himself sits back down next to me. Should I move or should I stay next to him? I decide to stay in place, not wanting to hurt him. I think I like him too so maybe it's good if I give him at least some sign of it. Actually, I don't think, I know I like him. Do I like Elliot too? If I think about it, Elliot may have just been a tiny crush. He kissed me and that just made me think for a short period that I really do like him. But, I couldn't like him, he doesn't have the personality that I like in a partner. Yes, he makes an amazing friend but nothing more. It's obvious both of them are attractive but Trevor is someone I'd be more likely to call my type. He's more emotional, more compassionate, knows when to be serious and when playful and he's more of a deep thinker. I like him.

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