Chapter One

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You remembered the Mission President's words very clearly. They rattled around your brain as the heat of the sun battered down upon your sweating back. "These boys are the worst I've ever seen. Satan has them nearly fully tricked - we sent one of our best boys out there, Elder Price, and he was turned to sin by the others. We're hoping that you'll be able to set them on the right track they were once on. You're the best we've got, you and Pierce. Set this right," he had said. You understood why he'd pick you - perfect student, faithful, and you always followed the rules; without question, and without hesitation. The picture perfect Mormon boy, and Pierce, the most devout man you'd ever met. And together, you'd sworn to never fail.

Raising a fist to knock on the peeling blue paint upon the wooden door, you hesitated. Your stomach churning painfully in time with your heart, eyes furrowed, sweating from the intense heat of the sun beating directly onto your back. Your companion, Elder Pierce, looked expectantly at you. Eyes darting quickly to him, then back at the door, you swallowed and knocked. The both of you looked at each other as you heard nothing, then some shouting, scrambling, furniture scraping, and footsteps approaching the door. You grew even more nervous, hand gripping tight to the handle of your luggage as your fingers grew sore. You watched as Pierce straightened his back, smoothing back his hair. You copied, wanting to make a good first impression. At that point you'd decided that wearing a long sleeve button down was a bad idea.

The door wrenched open, a few flakes of dull blue paint chipping off. An innocent looking boy with bright red hair was standing in front of you, your age, obviously. Just as everybody else in the building that you could see behind him - all looking so eager and excited. "Elders! Hello! It's so good to have you here!" The boy, who you quickly read the name tag of, stuck his hand out. Elder McKinley, Church of Latter Day Saints, it read. You took his hand, shaking it lightly. "Come in, come in! I am Elder McKinley, the current district leader for this area of the Uganda mission," he stepped to the side, gesturing for the both of you to come inside. You gave him a curt smile and a nod, taking a few steps inside.

"Well, um," you cleared your throat, "I'm Elder (L/N), this is," you gestured for your companion to introduce himself. "Elder Pierce!" He said suddenly, making you jolt further. You felt your insides shake even more.  "Nice to meet you both!" McKinley said with a wide smile. You smiled back awkwardly, beginning to feel even more sick.

"Elder Price. Good to meet you," a rather dashing young man came up to shake your hand. His hair was preened to the point of perfection, and his tie was done far too tight around his neck. You nodded, smiling as you shook his hand weakly. Behind you, you could hear him introducing himself to your companion. "Elder Church, from the great city of Cheyenne, Wyoming!" A shorter man came up, his hair done almost like Elder Price's. He shook your hand vigorously, a large smile plastered onto his face.

"My name is Elder Cunningham! Most people just call me Arnold though," a short, slightly goofy looking one came up, shoving his name tag, still clipped to his shirt, in your face.

"Elder Michaels, from Provo," an even shorter boy came up, and shook your hand.

"Elder Davis, from Montana!" A rather long faced Mormon introduced himself, shaking your hand lightly.

"Elder Neeley," another said, sounding a lot more confident than the others, if not cocky.

"Elder Thomas. But you can call me Elder Poptarts - everyone does, cause I love them so much," a taller, but still young looking boy came up with an innocent looking smile.

"Wow, that's a lot to remember," you laughed nervously as they all finished, wiping your sweaty hands on your pleated black pants. They looked at each other, looking a little shocked, but smiling as their eyes darted from one mormon to the other. "What?" You asked quietly, starting to pull at your fingers anxiously. "That's what Elder Price said when he first got here!" Elder McKinley said with a bright laugh. You nodded, smiling before clutching your stomach as it churned and shoved acid into your throat. "Hey buddy, you don't look so good," Elder Pierce put a hand on your shoulder, looking into your eyes with furrowed eyebrows. "Ugh, I don't feel so good either," you grumbled, closing your eyes slowly and opening them. "Elder (L/N), are you okay?" You heard one of them say, barely remembering it to be Neeley. "I uhm," you swallowed thickly, "don't do well on planes." You felt a wave of sickness make you almost throw up, but you held it down.

Rose Petals - Elder McKinley x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now