chapitre deux

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His heart sank. "I'm not sure what you mean?"

She made a short laugh. "Child, I've known you all eighteen years of your life. I can tell when you lie."

Frantic glanced at the curtains, then to the family before him. Even though he had never doubted his grandmother's loyalty, a lifetime of fear easily made him second-guess. He took a breath, begging his own mind to calm down. "Promise to me you will not panic?"

The old woman smiled. "Knowing you, dear, it can't be too bad." Even with the situation, seeing the panic on her grandchild's face hurt.

Nathaniel refused to make eye contact, walking towards the curtains. He moved the layers of fabric away just enough to see a peak of the one person he promised to protect. Giving his hand, the young man silently begged the other to be calm. "You can come out, Marc."

He saw the other's hesitance, trying to figure out how to act. Helping him down from the windowsill, Marc hid behind the redhead, following close behind him when he walked up to his Grandmother.

Nathaniel had never been one for confrontation but if there was one thing he'd always go down fighting for it was Marc. He'd promised to protect him and by god, it would be the last thing he'd do if necessary.

"I can hardly see you, dear. Don't be afraid, I won't bite." she said, letting her small laugh die down when it wasn't reciprocated.

Marc quietly came into her view, hoping to whatever higher power existed that she wouldn't recognize him. It felt like his throat was caving in, barely able to force a breath.

Her aging eyes swept across the young man before her.

Then a switch inside her flipped.

Wrinkled hands reached out to pinch and tug at Marc's soft face. The grandmother smiled at him, while he exchanged startled glances with Nathaniel.

She sighed happily, letting her arms fall back to her sides after a quick pat. "A lovely boy, dear. Even lets me pinch his cheeks! Though I'm not surprised you still can't find anyone shorter than you."

Marc pursed his lips together, barely containing the laugh she'd pulled from him. Nathaniel's face grew a light blush of embarrassment. "Even at a time like this you still manage to weave in bits about my height! Will there ever be a time when you'll just skip over it?"

She smirked, slowly raising an eyebrow. "Have I ever seemed like the person to do that?"

The sound of suppressed giggling broke through the sound of their aimless bickering. Nathaniel and his grandmother both looked at Marc, intrigued. He had his gloved hand covering his mouth, muffling the noises.

"What?" Nathaniel asked. "Are we entertaining to you?"

Marc dared a glance, an innocent smile gracing his face. "Yes, a little!"

The grandmother glanced at the brass clock stuck to the wall. "Well boys, I don't mean to interrupt but it is quite late for you to be up."

Nathaniel's shoulders slumped as a frown dawned upon his face. "But he just got here! Usually we're up unti-"

He caught himself before he could let anymore slip.

The Grandmother smirked. "No-no, please continue to dig yourself into the hole you've created!"

Marc watched the two, deciding not to take part. He considered himself lucky for how gracefully she reacted, so he'd rather not do anything to change that.

Forbidden ~ Marcaniel Royal AU Where stories live. Discover now