A Dreamer's Sleep

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Is it okay with you guys if a lot of this book is in Jenna's point of view? I'll still include some chapters in Tyler's POV, but I think this is going to be more about Jenna's struggles, while the last book was more of Tyler's. I've just been finding it harder to write in his point of view.


  Brendon pins me harder against the wall as he kisses me. Tears stream down my face as I struggle to escape his grasp, which only makes him hold me tighter. Why must this happen to me? Why must this happen to anyone???

  It's okay, I tell myself. Tyler will be here any minute. He'll take care of this.

   But he doesn't come. No one does. Brendon gags me with his expensive silk tie and sneaks me out a back door of the venue. After loading me into his car, he drives off to a sketchy corner of the city until stopping at an abandoned warehouse where Ryan and a bunch of other people are waiting to torture me. A dark-haired girl drags me out of the car. My beautiful dress becomes caked with dirt in the struggle I make as they drag me to the entrance. Ryan and the girl tie me to an old rocking chair, a single light bulb above me creating a halo of dim light in the darkness.

  The two slink back to the shadows, and that's when the jeering and the laughter begins. It's as if hundreds of people are laughing at me, but I can't see any of them. I start to cry.

  This carries on for several minutes until Brendon finally steps forward.

   "No one is coming for you," he states. "You're ours now." He starts to laugh wickedly and step forward.

  I sit up in bed quickly, wrapping the covers around my shoulders tightly. My sheets are damp from sweat and tears. I breathe heavily. The nightmares about my cousin Brett stopped soon after Tyler's failed suicide attempt, only to be replaced with ones about Brendon. But those stopped years ago. They've probably returned since I heard about the tour.

   I decide to get up and brew some chamomile tea to help me fall back asleep. It's three a.m, and I'm supposed to go with the boys to meet up with Fall Out Boy for lunch later today. I sit at my small kitchen table waiting for the water to heat up. Pulling out my phone, I go to Instagram. I made an account a few months ago, but haven't really posted much on it. No one I know really follows me, but that's probably because my username is powerpuffgirl33 (A/N: tbh, I completely made this up). I look up Tyler, Josh, and Mark's profiles and follow all of them. Then I look up the band's and follow it.

  They're gonna think that a fangirl is following them. Maybe you should change your username?

   "Good idea," I say to myself. I go to my profile settings and change my username to jennaablack. I don't know why I didn't use my name to begin with.

   I decide to look up Panic! At the Disco and Fall Out Boy's profiles. There's a picture of Brendon with two other guys, who I assume is Spencer Smith and Dallon Weekes. Hopefully, they're nicer than he is.

   The water on the stove heats up before I can look at Fall Out Boy's profile. I finish brewing my tea and take a mug of it to my room.

   I get a vague memory of Tyler telling me to flip my pillow over after I have a nightmare because it stays trapped on the other side. I turn it over and cover myself with my comforter.

   I scroll through YouTube as I lay back down, then search Twenty One Pilots. I can't find Oh, Ms Believer, but I do find a song called Truce. I click on it and nestle into my blankets as a soft piano introduction starts playing. My eyes droop as Tyler's voice comes in. Even though he's not physically here, his voice gives me reassurance that somehow, everything is going to be okay. 

Merry Christmas Frens! I actually woke up at like 3:15 this morning because I couldn't sleep and was like, "Wait...that's happened in my book. Well, I might as well publish that chapter. Sadly, I am not having lunch with Fall Out Boy this afternoon 😢

   Have a happy holidays!

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