Chapter Eight

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Possible Trigger Warning: slight self hate

Third Person Perspective

The weekend came and went, and before Alexander even knew it, it was already Monday.

The classes went by quick, expect for the last one before lunch. Mr.Washington kept going on and on. And the voice telling him to do certain things kept getting louder and louder and harder to drown out.

Alex couldn't stand it. It was either block out one and listen to the other, or have chaos keep in his mind.

"C'mon, you know you want to do it...So just do it you worthless piece of crap." The urge whispered for what seemed like the millionth time.

Alex just shrugged, and kept taking notes as the urge kept repeating itself before Alexander couldn't take it anymore. He started to reach into his bag....


....But the bell interrupted him as everyone got out of their seats, hearing Mr.Washington say something but due to the loudness of every teen it was m not heard by anyone.

Alexander quickly scrambled out of his seat, swinging his back over his shoulder and heading off to the lunch room.

He got his tray and lunch food, like usual. Nothing out of the blue. But then he started to head off to his usual spot-which, in his opinion, is quiet and alone and the perfect spot away from Jefferson-before hearing someone call him.

"Alex!" The familiar voice said with a wave. "Over here! Alexander!"

Alexander sighed, and headed over soon realizing that the person was John and he brightened up a bit, taking the empty seat next to him.

"Hey Alex! Glad you could join us!" John said with a smile. Alex gave a small one back, taking a bite into a fry.

Alexander soon realized there was two other people there sitting across from him and John, hearing a voice from across him.

"John, ez this your copain if so don't tell me you got one without telling me." The voice said. In response John just shook his head.

"Unless that means friend, he's not, Lafayette. Alex and I are-at least I think we are-friends." John spoke, probably not knowing what the Frenchman said.

"Whatever you say, garçon tortue." Lafayette smirked, taking a sip of his drink.

John soon realized he didn't introduce Alex to his friends like he was supposed to. "Oh, that's Lafayette by the way. He's an exchange student from France."

"Isn't this year your last year here?" The guy sitting next to Lafayette said. Lafayette shook his head.

"Nah. I'll be here next year. We all know you can't survive without moi, Herc." Lafayette patted the bandanaed man's shoulder.

"I could. If I didn't have to help work in a tailor shop." Hercules shrugged.

"You work in a tailor shop?" Alex accidentally said. To him, the way Hercules seemed didn't seem like he would help tailor clothes. Especially since he seemed like a tough guy.

"It's my mom's and I need the money." Hercules explained, which made Alexander nod his head in understanding.

"Oh! That's Hercules, by the way. He's really nice even though he looks like a tough guy." John suddenly joined in, as if he suddenly came out of a trance.

The four teens kept talking and having conversations until the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. They all got up and started to head to class, but Alex suddenly remembered something.

"Hey John? Where's that Peggy girl you mentioned?" He asked, a bit curious.

"Oh? Her?" John said, happy as ever. "I haven't seen her all day and she's probably sick. Or not. I should go look for her. Bye." And with that he walked away, leaving a slightly confused Alex behind.

A/n: something about this chapter feels off. not sure why tho. alsoguesswhohadananxietyattackatschool-

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