Chapter Twenty-Three

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Trigger Warning: Death, brief mention of cutting

Alexander's Perspective

I don't know, I just have a hunch. And I'm right about hunches and /you/ know that. Now, are you gonna cut or what?

ring ring ring ring!

Oh thank god, just in time.

I pick up the phone and answer the call. "Hello?"

A woman on the other end spoke back. "Hi, New York General hospital here. Is this Alexander Hamilton?"

Anxiety crawled up my back and into my stomach. "Yes. Why?"

I heard her take in a breath before talking again. "It's your mother."


The lady continued. "The doctors say she's going to pass on soon, and she requested to see you."

I hang up, and I head over to the hospital right away, anxiety and adrenaline filling me up as I raced there. There's no time to lose, I have to see her.

I arrive in the hospital, stopping by the desk first and soon going to my mother's hospital room.

When I arrived, her doctor was in there, and nodded to me before they leftthe roomI looked over at my mother.

She was frail and looked more pale from when I last saw her. I knew her condition was getting worse but I never truly realized how bad it was. 

Her glossy eyes looked over at me. "My son.." She manged to get out of her. I headed over to her side, tears welling up a bit.

"I'm here, mom, I'm here." I whispered to her, fighting off tears. I held her hand, gently squeezing it as she squeezed it back, weakly.

"Alexander..." She whispered raspy. " sunshine...I have to leave you so soon...I'm sorry..."

Tears were almost escaping. "It's okay, mom. You can easy, okay?"

She gave me a weak smile, before whispering her final words. "Take care of yourself, my son...I love you..."

She gently closed her eyes, a beeep soon following it. She's flat-lining.

She's gone. My mother is gone for good. The tears fall out of my eyes as the doctor rushes back into the room. I got up, and I left the hospital.

When I reached outside, all of my emotions cracked out and I start balling. I can't believe I just lost my mother.

She's gone. She can never return.

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