Hostage - Chapter 1

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Stefan's POV​​​​​​​

A small constant sound fills the room, a rhythm dripping sound. The sound was either from the broken faucet or the tears streaming from my cheeks. It has been nearly three years that I lived as a captive, but I didn't know for sure, it was hard to tell the time and date. My captors tell me that there is no escape to this captivity, and slowly, I begin to believe it. There is a still hope that burns deep in my heart, but the flame is slowly distinguishing.

The room was dark with shadows filling every edge of the room. A small light-bulb hung over me, providing me with the only light. I know there are monsters among those shadows, but I will myself to try.

I suck in a breath and grab the ropes that bind my hands. I let out a breath, "Lets try this again." I mutter to myself with a raspy voice. I begin leaning backwards and immediately I brace myself for the impact. I flinch as I land, immediately realizing it was incorrectly, another miscalculation. I suck in a breath and hold back the groan, daring to escape my throat. The pain begins to disperse from my hands, making me regret this attempt.

"That little bastard did it again," an unwelcoming, familiar voice announces. I know it was one of the captives and I hold back my tongue, not daring myself to let out a noise.

Another voice rings out, an angrier one, "What is that? The thousandth time he had tried it? Will this fucking asshole ever stop?" Snickers fill the room, "This kid really thinks he'll escape, hah! Be damned if he did."

I suck in a breath and press my lips together, trying not to cry. It was the same response, it was always the same response. Although I'm used to it, it never gets easier because I know that they're right.

"Now boys, be gentle with him. We only have a few days left with that little prick." A commanding voice says with a disgust filled tone. Unable to contain myself, I let out a small gasp, curious of what they meant.

"A few days? What do you mean a few days, boss?" One of his goons say, his voice dripping curiosity. My heart plummets as a pair of footsteps fade away, the boss's footsteps. His voice rings out for a few more seconds before the room fills with complete silence.

"God, what is with that guy?" One of them mutters, his footsteps thundering as they approach.

"While you're at it, set him back up. Maybe we can get some fun out of him." One of them lets out a snicker and hoists me up, planting me into the ground. He begins lowering the light bulb, blinding me. Though it was obscure, I was able to make out a figure with spiky hair. I squinted my eyes at him until I was unable to keep them open. I swallow and take in a deep breath, preparing myself for their callused fists.

"Lets get started."

"You're a bastard!" One of the screams, a stream of spit hitting my face. He brings his fist into my face and I immediately groan from the pain. He angrily brings his fist down, again and again. "Shut the fuck up!" He hollers, continuing his rhythm of punching.

I cough, choking on the blood. "P-Please, stop!" I let out a choked cry, tears mixing with the blood. I know begging won't do me any good, it never does.

He lets out a disgust laugh, "You think begging will help you? Shut the fuck up!" I watch the dark shadow that flew across the light-bulb. I suck in a breath and jump backwards once more. His fist swings over me as I fall backwards, slamming hard into the ground. I let out a groan and spit out the blood that filled my mouth.

He lets out an annoyed sound, "Set him back up!" He rubs his fist against a towel and glares at me, his charcoal eyes giving me daggers. He reaches out and grips my shoulder, "You won't be alone for too long now. After nearly three years, you're finally getting a friend. How does that sound, hm? Now, I can have twice the fun." He lets out a hallow laugh. He stares at me, waiting for me to react. Unexpectedly, he spits in my face.

"Come on," He says, beckoning the others. I try to move my jaw but pain immediately erupts from it. I let out a strangled cry and hang my head low.

I slowly crane my head, trying to listen to the conversations of the goons.

"The girl isn't going to last. I'm surprised this kid is still alive!" One of them lets out a laugh and the other one agrees. "When is she coming?" One of them asks.

"Soon, at least that's what the boss says." I lift my head, my eyes feeling puffy and heavy. I let out a cough, trying to get rid the last remaining of the blood. "God, does that boy ever shut up?" I let myself scoff but immediately stop short as I notice the approaching sound of the footsteps.

"What, kid, are you not done yet? Jesus, we should've killed him years ago, but of course, the boss makes our final decisions." An annoyed, muffled, voice says. I lift my head towards his direction and begin making out his features. The man that stood before me has short brown hair that paired with his bright green eyes. His other features were covered by a black bandanna He looks somewhere at the far wall before turning his gaze to me.

In a sudden swift movement, he is swinging at me. I let out a groan as the left side of my face begins to radiate in pain. The man before me slowly sinks to a squat, trying to get to the same height as me. He stares at me for a moment and lets out a hallow laugh that boomed across the room, "You're getting weak." I watch as his black bandanna lifts up higher, indicating he was smiling. I watch as his green eyes fill with delight. "Isn't that fascinating?" I will myself to listen to his deep voice, forcing myself to not make a snarky remark.

He slowly rises and stares down at me, "You're pathetic." He lifts one dark boot and kicks me in the shoulder, the force sending me backwards. I clench my eyes shut and wait for the impact. I slam into the ground, making a loud boom. He lets out an amused laugh, "Isn't this fun, Dad?"

"That's enough, Philip. You're not supposed to kill him." The man that kicked me huffed, clearly annoyed. He reaches behind me and hoists me upright. "I know I'm not supposed to kill you, but I will do it no matter what. Just you wait one day," He says in a low, secretive voice besides my ear.

I seek my opportunity and slam my head into his. I watch as he stumbles, falling backwards, clearly shocked. His eyes immediately turn into a humiliated rage, "You piece of shit!" He fumbles over himself and gets back on his feet, glaring at me. "This isn't the end." With that, he begins to walk away, leaving me alone once more.

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