Hostage - Chapter 2

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Skyler's POV

I smiled as I held the door open for an elderly woman. I left out a sigh and walk into the cafe. It immediately filled my senses with the calming smell of hazelnut and lattes. I step towards the counter and smile at the cashier. I glance at the cashier, George, my schoolmate, and change my gaze to the freshly baked crumbly pastries. I stare at the puffy, oozing chocolate, croissant and will myself not to buy one.

"Can I get a small latte with cream, sugar, and caramel, please?" I asked. George gives me a small smile and nods, "Are you going to buy one of the pastries, Skyler?" I smile at my schoolmate, "Not today."

George nods, leaning his head backwards. He lifts one tanned hand, pushing a lock of curly blond hair away from his hazel eyes. "Hey, I'm wondering if you would like to maybe go on a date with me?" I squint my eyes at him and watch his anxious, a little insecure smile.

Pressing my lips together in a thin line, I hand him a five dollar bill. "I can't today, I'm doing something with my dad." George's eyes fill with disappointment, "O-Oh! T-That's okay. No problem at all." His features immediately turn downcast and he quickly hands me my change, trying to hide his embarrassment.

I nod and begin walking towards an empty, wooden table for two. I settle down on one of the handcrafted chairs and set my stuff beside me. I wait for a few more minutes and pull out my laptop, clicking onto the latest news. I begin to read the headline.



It has been four years since their son, Stefan Marcus O'Nell disappeared and all they want now is closure. Dead or alive, Tyler Marcus O'Nell and Sarah O'Nell want to find their son and put an end to this. If you have any information on the where-about of Stefan O'Nell, please contact authorities or this number: 624-555-2845.

We pray for the family, let them be in your prayers tonight. We hope for Stefan's safe return.

I stare at the article for a little longer, a chill going down my spine. "That's rough. I'm surprised they haven't given up." Startled, I jump back and look at the origin of the voice. George smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Here is your latte." He places the small plastic carton onto the table.

I give him a confused look, "What do you mean by you're surprised?"

George opens his mouth and immediately closes it and opens it again, "I just mean that it's been four years, they deserve a break." I held his hazel eyes, trying to dig deeper. He clears his throat and breaks eye contact, he makes finger guns and point them at the register, "I should get back to it." He mutters quietly. I nod and offer him a small smile.

I click off of the article and begin scrolling through other articles. I pick up the steaming hot carton, the smell of caramel and dark roast filling my sense of smell. I lean the carton back, taking a sip. My mouth fills with warmth and the delicious taste of caramel and sweet coffee. I lick the sugary taste off of my lips and set the carton back down. Though the price is a little expensive, the coffee always makes up for it.

My perceptible sense kicks in and I loop up from my article. I watch as a guy in his mid-forties approach me. He has black hair, graying at the temples. His dark brown eyes watch me as he approaches. He lefts a hard towards me as he approaches, he offers me a smile, "I'm sorry for bothering you, I was curious on where this club is. I just moved here and I don't know where anything is, could you show me?"

I blink at him, "I'm sorry, I'm not a tour guide." Was what I wanted to say. Instead, I blink a few more times and nod, "Sure. What is the club called?"

He clears his throat and immediately reaches for a flyer in his jacket, "The Red Mist, I'm supposed to meet my friends there, but I'm a bit lost." He hands me the flyer and I reluctantly lift my hand and take it. I examine the flyer, noticing an address.

"There's an address here," I said a bit rudely. He shakes his head, "I know, and that's what I apologized for. I've been searching for the past twenty minutes, but I just can't seem to find it." I let out an annoyed sigh and press my lips together, "Alright. Can you give me a few minutes?"

He nods his head eagerly, "Of course, take as much time as you need. I'm going to get a cup of coffee." I squint suspiciously at him. "Weren't you were just in a hurry?" I mutter to myself as I pick up my things. I shove my laptop back into my backpack and pick up my carton of coffee.

He turns back towards me and hands me a chocolate filled croissant, "For you!" I glance curiously at it but I accept it nevertheless. I wave a goodbye to George and walk with the man out of the door. "My name is Minx, by the way." I give him a disinterested stare and guide him through an alley, "Why would I need to know that?"

He lets out a laugh, startling me. I stop in my tracks as he steps closer, "So your little Dad can give me a promotion." He lifts one hand to my face, tracing my jawline. I clench my mouth shut and glare at him, "Be careful, Minx, you don't want to step on the wrong foot."

He gives me a smirk, "Is that so?" In a swift movement, he shoves me into a wall. I drop my coffee carton with the impact and stare at him wide-eyed.

"W-What are you doing?" I growl, trying to hide the fear in my voice. His dark eyes roam my face, he snickers, "Scared?" I spit in his face, causing him to pull back in surprise. "You're going to regret that you bitch!" I begin to move away from the wall, watching his features closely. He lets out an angry war cry and charges towards me.

I stare wide-eyed, waiting for the impact. Suddenly, a figure emerges from one of the alleys and tackles Minx to the ground. I let out a sigh of relief and lean against the brick wall, "George! Thank you!" George looks over his shoulders and gives me a smirk.

Noticing his opportunity, Minx shoves George back, throwing him against a wall. I watch as Minx charges down another alley. I turn my focus to George, "I'm going to go after Minx! Thank you, George!" I looked over my shoulder once more, watching George lay on the ground with curious, disbelief eyes.

I charge down the alley after Minx, filled with anger. "What did you mean about my dad?" I shouted at him. He looks over his shoulder and smirks at me. But then I realized it, it wasn't at me. I turned to my right, but it was too late. The figure tackles me onto the ground. His eyes are green and filled with amusement.

I watch his black bandanna move. "Look at who we have." The green-eyed stranger says, his bandanna lifting up higher.

"Help!" I shout. The stranger immediately goes to muffle me, "Shut up. Don't make this harder for yourself." I bit his hand, watching as he takes it back in surprise. "Well, today is full of surprises, ain't it?" He grabs a black bag and puts my head into it.

"Tie her hands up, Minx."

"Yes, sir." I try to force my hands away, but his grip was too strong. I let out an annoyed cry. The stranger laughs, "Don't be too frustrated, Princess. The boss is definitely going to be happy about this one."

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