Chapter 4

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He stands up and reaches out to me, I take his hand and a strange warmth flows through me. He takes me around the bed and we head out to the private balcony. A glass wall runs around the perimeter along with a bench. He leads me over to the left side and we sit sit on the soft blue cushions. The sounds of New York City surrounds us and I am thankful for the distraction. He sits down next to me and his arm settles on the back of the bench behind me.

"So what happened to Hanson?" I ask. "Or is that a sore subject?"

"We had plenty of music to show the world, but our label just didn't want to work with us. They wanted Britney Spears and the Backstreet boys and we wanted, well Hanson," he tells me.

I nod in understanding.

"People are like sheep and they will listen to something just because "the man" says so. A lot of people shy away from indie artists or someone who may not be as popular. I don't understand it because some of the most talented artists are those who aren't in the mainstream," I say.

He nods like he's agreeing with me, and I swear I feel him moving closer.

"So you just gave up?" I ask.

"It just kind of happened that way, there's only so long you can fight," he tells me.

"You got that right," I tell him.

"What made you give up on your ex?"

"As much as I loved him he wasn't good for me. Our relationship was toxic, and the first night we "hooked up" we hated each other," I confess.

"Sounds like a bad romance novel. Girls can't resist a bad boy," he jokes.

I feel like I should be offended, but I'm not. Talking to Taylor is easy because there is no wall to break down like there was with him.

"Why did your girlfriend cheat on you?"

"She claims I was too into my music and she didn't understand why I'd want to try again," he tells me.

"Did you chose the music over her?" I question.

He nods and looks out into the distance. I wonder what he's thinking. Maybe he does have a wall, but it feels more like a fence. He's trying to be strong in hiding his feelings, but there are still spaces where I can see right through him.

"Music has always been a big thing in my life. My brothers and I did start our own record label and honestly we have been ready to try and make music again. I'd be at the studio late into the night and she'd get annoyed. I asked her several times to come down and join me, but she refused," he tells me.

"I'd like to hear some of your new stuff," I say.

"It's a little rough around the edges."

"I don't mind," I tell him.

I am honestly blown away, because that high pitched pre-pubescent voice has now matured, and I can't believe this is the same guy who sang MMMbop. He moves his leg rapidly along with the beat and lightly drums on his leg. He closes his eyes when he sings, but occasionally he opens them to look at me. Every time his eyes open my heart does this ridiculous flutter thing, and I can't help but feel all warm and gooey inside. His cheeks flush as he finishes the song, and he looks right at me waiting for my response. I'm in awe and not sure what to say.

"It's bad I know," he apologizes.

"No way, I'm just in shock. The last time I heard your voice was before..."

"Puberty," he finishes.

"Right," I say slightly embarrassed.

He runs a hand through his hair and looks back out at the city. People are honking their horns, and ambulances are screaming in the distance. His eyes find mine again and I swear all the sounds around me vanish for a few seconds. He smiles.

"Should we order some lunch and continue with our story?" he asks breaking our silence.

I nod. If I'm being completely honest with myself I don't want this day to end. I haven't felt this at ease since before I dated HIM. 

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