Chapter 11

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Taylor wanders off into the hallway to take his phone call leaving me breathless and wanting for more. I hate to admit it but I'm feeling all tingly down there, and I don't know how to make it go away. Well I do know how to make it go away, but I'm still in shock from the feeling. A few minutes later he comes into the room, his face is pale. He looks nervous again and runs a hand through his hair.

"I hate to do this to you, but I think I need to go," he tells me.

"Oh?" I question.

I swallow the lump in my throat.


"Was it her?" I ask.

He nods, and doesn't have to say anything else. I try to hide my eyes because they are starting to water. Nothing was going to happen anyway so I don't know what I'm getting my panties in a twist for.

"Okay," I whisper.

I pull the covers up as he walks around the room collecting his things. He's bringing his suitcase too, which means he's not coming back. He rolls his black bag to the door without saying anything, then turns to look at me. I bite my bottom lips so hard that I swear I feel blood. I prefer the pain of my teeth biting into my skin than the heart ache I am feeling with him walking out.

"Bye Meri," he whispers.

"Bye Taylor," I squeak.

Without another word he opens the door and leaves the room. I'm not sure what to do, should I go after him? Should I let them work it out? I'm not sure. I decide it's not worth it especially since he lives in Tulsa anyway. I pull the blanket up over my head and lay down. Tears start streaming down my face, and I quietly cry myself to sleep.

I wake up hearing myself screaming from a nightmare. The sky outside is barely lit, but there's a tinge of blue. I'm sweating and feel awful. At this point I'm ready to check out and go home. I get out of bed and go to get dressed. Going through my bag I realize I don't have any fresh clothes. I'll have to shower when I get home.

In the elevator alone I look around unsure of how I am feeling right now. The doors open and a flash of something literally blinds me. I still walk forward, but in my head I realize something.

"You could sleep in my room if you need a place to stay."

It's my voice in my head, but who was I ... holy shit. I'm now standing at the checkout desk about ready to give up my room. I slowly slide the card over to the guy who's giving me a weird look. I know I probably look crazy staring off into space, but I'm in shock realizing that I remembered something.


The train pulls into the Babylon train station around ten in the morning. I walk to my blue Toyota, luckily I don't have any parking tickets. I get in and head over to my apartment. I pull up to the small house across from the elementary school, and get out of the car. It's a cloudy day and I can feel light rain drops falling on my head as I get out of the car. I collect mail from the white box on the bottom of the pole out front, then head around back. My entrance is in the backyard since I am on the lower level.

Inside everything is as I left it, before I knew what this weekend would hold. My tuxedo cat Ollie comes running over to greet me. The upstairs tenant promised to feed him and take care of him over the weekend. I take my shoes off and put my suitcases by the door. In the kitchen I see that he has a full bowl of dry food and fresh water. She must have come down early this morning to give him breakfast. Ollie follows me into the kitchen as I search for something to eat. My stomach is growling since I rushed out before the hotel served breakfast.

Grabbing a store brand plain bagel from the cabinet I butter it, and head into the living room with some OJ in hand too. I plop down on the light blue couch and Ollie hops up next to me. He smooches on my hand, I've missed this cat more than I thought. I reach for the remote as I do there's a knock on the door. I sigh and place the food on the couch, Ollie gets jumps off clearly annoyed. He sticks his nose in the air and straightens his tail.

I pull the door open the door to see Charlotte standing there with tears streaming down her face. I open the screen door and let her in. She steps inside and sits down on the couch like she lives her. She stays here enough.

"What happened?" I ask as I shut the door.

I didn't forget our fight, but she's still my best friend I won't say no to helping her. I sit down next to her, moving my food over so I can fit. She puts her face in her hands and shakes her head.

"I am so sorry about yelling at you at the wedding," she says.

"Why? I deserved it after what I did. Plus I barely remember it I was so drunk," I tell her.

"I should have listened to you about him," she sobs.

"What that he's awful at relationships, and never has anything nice to say," I say.

"Yeah that," she says.

"What did he do? He didn't hurt you did he?" I ask concerned.

She shakes her head, "No, he just said some things..."

"Like?" I ask.

"He always does this when we fight he brings up you. He says he should have never left you and that it was a huge mistake being with me," she cries.

"Why did you marry him then?" I ask.

"I love him," she cries again.

I put my arm on her shoulder and she looks up at me.

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you on your wedding day. Honestly I'm shocked you are here talking to me, you should be pissed. I do want you to be happy though, and if you love him and if he loves you maybe you guys can work past everything. You aren't going to work past it by running away," I urge.

"I know," she whispers.

"Do you hate me?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"Good," I tell her and pull her into a hug.

She should hate me, she should never talk to me again but here she is. She never ceases to amaze me. As best friends we fight a lot, but always find out way back to each other. Maybe we should get married, I swear sometimes she's a better boyfriend than half the ones I've had.

"So did you leave him in Mexico?" I almost laugh.

She snorts through her tears and shakes her head.

"He's here, he texted me that he's at our house," she tells me.

"How long have you been back?"

"I got back late last night and you weren't back yet," she says.

"Wait..." "You were still at the hotel," she says pointing her finger.

My cheeks burn red and I nod. She screams and shouts, "I knew it!"

"What?" I ask.

I look at her like she's gone crazy. I don't remember being at the bar in the wedding hall. I'd definitely went out into the one for hotel guests. I feel like everything I've uncovered might not be true. Wait, how did she know.

"Wait, you knew what?" I question.

She reaches over and steals a piece of my bagel. I give her a look and she shrugs as she chews. How dare she avoid my question. Did she know that I was with Taylor? Maybe she came back to check on me. She holds up a finger and I wait for her to swallow.

"Do you know who he is?" I ask.

She nods again then drinks my OJ. I swipe it from her and chug it before she can get anymore down.

"He's Derek's cousin," she says like it's nothing, as I choke on the juice pooled in my throat.

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