Chapter 5

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Now I have to get back into story mode and I'm finding myself stumbling over my words. I'm not sure how to tell him this part, I don't want him to think of me any differently. I mean after today we will both go our separate ways and that will be it. For some reason I can't shake the nerves I am feeling as I tell him the next part of my day.

"I think the moment I realized that it was wrong was when it was already too late. I was in the zone and I couldn't stop. I missed him more than I realized and it sucked. My phone started to go off again vibrating on the floor next to me. Charlotte's picture was on my screen and there I am lying half naked with her soon to be husband. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help it. He tells me to just pick it up, and when I do she chews my ear off telling me that they had started pictures without me.

"I hang up the phone and get dressed while he watched me from the floor. The most fucked up part of it all was he said nothing to me after. When I got to my car I sat there in his driveway and cried. By the time I got back to the house they were almost done taking pictures."

Taylor's finger brushes my cheek and it pulls me from my thoughts. I look at him and once again, I don't realize I'm crying. Through blurry eyes I stare at his half eaten burger unable to look up. I am embarrassed by my actions. I put my head in my hands and start sobbing the way I did in that car.

"Hey. We all make mistakes," he tells me.

"I feel like such a rotten friend," I admit.

"He knew you wouldn't be able to resist him, and tempted you and you took the bait. He should be the one to feel guilty."

Taylor sounds angry, like he wants to kick his ass. I nod and look up at him. He's watching me with those crystal blues again, and I can't pull away. My eyes wander down to his lips and part of me wonders what it would feel like to kiss him. Everything with him today has been easy. Most guys, most famous guys would have probably called security on me, but he didn't.

He pulls me in for a hug, and I let him. His hand rubs my back in a gentle rhythm and somehow I think I can get used to this. Rain drops start trickling down on her heads and get heavier each second. We both start laughing as he grabs the food tray and I hold the door open for him. By the time we get in we are both soaking wet. I watch as he puts the tray on the cart and runs a hand through his hair. I wish he'd stop doing that.

After changing our clothes for the second time today we sit back in the bed. It's around one thirty, so I still have a few hours before check out. I wonder when his check out is. He's sitting closer to me than he was earlier, and it makes me giddy inside.

I decide to continue the story, although this is the part I hate the most.

"I pulled into the driveway of her parent's house and all of them are outside taking pictures. I can feel that my lips are swollen from kissing him. As I walk by Charlotte's eyes go to my neck. I probably should have checked a mirror before I got there. Immediately she knew. She excused herself from pictures and followed me into the house. I shut the door to the bathroom before she had a chance to speak. She started to bang on the door to let her in. Que the tears because I started to cry again. She realized I didn't lock the door and barged in. The first thing she said was, "I know what happened." By this point I felt like I was going to shit my pants. She stalked over to me and I honestly thought she would slap me. She hugs me and then walks out of the room.

"That's weird," Taylor adds in.

"Right?" I ask.

"So they went through with the wedding though, right?" he asks.

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