☃️✨New Neighbor✨☃️

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In a small town, stood a house. It was a two story house painted a grey color, inside the home lived a family. It was a normal family like any other but they had kept losing neighbors, they didn't know why but they also didn't care to ask while they left. But, the family had a son, his name was Jared, but, he wasn't very nice only having two friends, Connor Murphy, and Alana Beck, they were some of the only few teen's in their grade who could stand Jared, he had made a reputation for himself as being, crass, rude, and a dick. But besides his persona was a fairly nice, nerd. But his mother told him that she had helped a mother and son find a new house, and they were going to move next door. Jared sighed angirly before saying, "oh goody. More people who will stay for a week and who'll hate me over that week." Jared rolled his eyes and put his feet on his desk as he looked out his window. It was nothing special, just the normal space between the house next to his. Before he knew it, Jared was out like a light. The next day, he woke up and got his feet off the desk standing up . He pulled his old shirt off and walked to his closet grabbed a grey shirt, putting it on, and grabbing another, he normally wore a buttonup shirt over another shirt so this was no different. But, it was a royal purple button upshirt with the collar already folded to how he liked it. He then pulled off his old pants and went to his drawer pulling out some torn blue jeans and putting them on. He then sat at his window and looked out, he saw a mother with her 16 year old sun unpacking their moving truck next door. "So they're the family my mom helped Fine a new house, huh?" But, his monologging was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Jared! Don't forget that the new neighbors will be coming over tonight!" His mother called. "Ok mom!" He replied he then zoned out for a minute or two but he was pulled back into reality when he heard a Tap Tap Tap on his window. He looked over and saw the neighbor boy tapping on his window, Jared opened it and the neighbor boy greeted him kindly, "hi!!" He had a warm, calming smile that only made Jared's face heat up. The boy had blonde, almost a golden hair color, radiant, glowing, perfect skin. A gorgeous perfect white smile and eyes he got lost in. His eyes were a perfect deep blue that reminded him of the ocean, he wore a stripped polo that was a light mint blue with periwinkle stripes, it looked like it had just been pressed and that only made Jared blush more "I-I'm Jared- the insanely cool Jared Kleinman!" That made the other boy chuckle when he shook the other's hand and said "I'm Evan Hansen" Jared smiled at the boy and replied "nice to meet you, Evan" Evan smiled back and said "Nice to meet you too, Jared, I will see you at dinner. I have to unpack!" He closed his window and turned away. Jared closed his as well and felt butterflies in his stomach. "N-no.. I can't be gay.." later at 5 o'clock there was a knock at the door and Jared's mother opened it. "Hey, Ms Hansen! Come in! That must be Evan?" She greeted. "Yes, that's my son Evan he said he had talked to your son the morning actually" she explained. The two mothers kept talking as Evan sat next to Jared on the sofa, Jared pushed his glasses up and looked at evan, his face lit up as he struggled to say, "you..you look handsome, tonight evan" Evan smiled kindly and said "thank you!" Evan was wearing caky jeans, and a pastel purple striped polo this time. Soon, the dinner was ready and they sat at the table. Jared was across from Evan and they talked. "I really like trees! I want to have a job working with plants when I get older" Jared was confused by this so he corrected. "A farmer?" Evan rolled his eyes "no, no. I don't want a store to control what I put in my plants." Evan was visibly angered by this but the two kept talking, and after dinner, the Hansen's left and Jared went back to his room, throwing off his over shirt and collapsing on his bed. He drifted to sleep peacefully when at 5:30 am, he heard a Tap Tap Tap. He sluggishly woke up, putting on his glasses and went over to his window opening it. He saw Evan with a bright smile looking at him, "heeeey, Jared!" Jared rubbed his eyes and yawned "hi; Evan.." "how are you?" He asked. "I'm tired" he answered, "oh~.." he said in a sad tone. "I guess you don't want to see the sunrise with me do you?~" he continued in a somber tone. Jared rolled his eyes in distaine before he had gave In. "Fine" he met evan outisde in between the two yard in five minuets, Jared was drinking cofee from a thermos as Evan was drinking a five hour energy. Evan room Jared's Hand and ran with him to the woods quickly. Evan was almost miles ahead of him as Jared was panting heavily. When Jared got to evan, Evan was sitting in a tree and helped Jared up next to him. The two were quite as the sun started to rise, yes it hurt their eyes at first but Evan adored the beauty and Jared enjoyed Evan's beauty. The two didn't notice at first, but they were holding hands. Jared noticed and blushed a deep red when even looked over and blushed a light pink, the two let go but that's when the branch broke under evan and he fell. A loud CRUNCH was heard with sobbing as Evan Laid on the ground in tears, he had broken his arm. Jared saw evan fall and had tried to grab his hand but failed "EVAN!!" He shouted as he climbed down from the tree and helped the boy up. He looked at Evan with a truly concerned expression "J-Jared.. m-m-my arm.." he started, a tone of pain in his voice. "Is it broken?.." he asked in a soft tone, Evan nodded and whimpered in pain as he was helped to the hospital with Evan. Evan was there for a good two hours gettin an X-ray and his arm put in a cast and sling, Jared had called his mother to come pick the two up explaining what had happened to her, his mother sighed and started to drive home with the two "really?" Jared nodded and Evan stayed quite, the two looked away and Jared decided to break the silence "can I sign your cast..?" He asked, Evan nodded and Jared pulled out a few different colored sharpies and wrote his name on the cast, he also drew little doodles on it with a few being rather falic but at least that got evan to smile again. He hugged Jared got out of the car as it parked, he then went inside and went to tell his mother what had happened, Jared hugged back and went into his house and to his room.

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