OMG I can't believe!

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Dear Diary,

Yesterday I left home. Mom was crying a lot. Dad took me to the airport. He cried a bit too. It was so emotional. The plane was full of people. I sat right next to one really fat guy. He slept the entire time of the trip. I arrived in America!!! So pretty! I called an Uber and it took me to the house where I'm going to stay. I became a little disappointed because "Asher" wasn't there. I don't know. Is he going to be a fat guy? Or a tall one? Is he slim? And his hair? Is it blonde? Or black? I don't know. I just know that it was going to be really good if that "Asher" was Asher Dov Angel. The one. But it might be another Asher... Idk... His mom told me that he was having a party. She showed me the house and my bedroom. It is actually pretty cosy! Then, something really... I don't have words to explain! I need to tell you the whole story!

I'm going to tell you everything!

3 p.m. - I heard steps on the hall. I became so curious but I pretended that I was sleeping, don't ask me why 'cause I don't understand it either.

4 p.m. - I heard one person steps on the hall. I didn't resist. I was peering out the door. I saw a boy, in pajamas. He was pretty nervous. I didn't see his face!

6 p.m. - I woke up with noise in the bedroom next to mine's. I got out of my room and went to see what was going on. Nobody was on the hall. Then, suddenly somebody opened the door from that bedroom. THE boy went out of it. He stopped staring at me. OH... When I saw his face I wanted to die! It was him! It was him! It was Asher Dov Angel. THE Asher Dov Angel. The one! Right in front of me. 

"Hum, I'm sorry. I just can't fall asleep. And so... Are you okay?" He asked me

"Hum, yes! Of course I am..." I answer

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you my name. I'm Asher. Asher Angel"

"Oh... My name's Anne." I said, although I already knew who he was

"What a beautiful name. So, welcome to my home. This is my bedroom. Your bedroom is the guests bedroom. My parent's bedroom is on the second floor. So we are alone in this one." He told me.

"Oh... okay..."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Of course I am!"

"Really? You seem a bit sad. Do you wanna come in and talk a bit?" He asked me. OMG ASHER ANGEL is asking me to his bedroom. Of course I accepted it. 

We entered in his bedroom and he sat on his bed. I sat right next to him. 

"You seem pretty sad. Are you okay Anne?"

"I don't know. I left my home, my family, my friends... It's a bit complicated. But this always been my dream. Moving to America. Meet new friends..."

"Really? I live in America, but it's not as good as some people think... Do you know me?"

"Actually I do..."

"From where?"

"I really liked you on Andi Mack. And I love your songs..." 

"Do you? Do you want to sing one of them?" He asked me. He started to sing his song "Chemistry".  OMG... I started to sing it too. I can't believe! As we finished singing he said "Oh wow! You have a really nice voice! You should sing more times!"

"Oh thanks..."I blushed a bit. Thanks God that it was very dark and he couldn't see my face.

"I was telling you that some people came and talk to me just because I'm famous or something like that! So I don't really have friends. Real friends. I just have fake friends..."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that..."

"It's fine. So, I loved this conversation Anne. You seem to be a very good person and I'm glad you come to live in this house! Tomorrow we should talk a bit more. I loved to met you!" He said!

"I loved to meet you too!" I respond

Then, he gave me three kisses. Strange isn't it? Usually I just give 2: one on the right and one on the left. But that's ok. I went to my bedroom and I fell in my bed. I fell asleep. I dreamt about this moment!

10 p.m. - I woke up. Someone was shaking me. It was him. Asher was shaking me.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I yell

"My parent's are not home! It's our opportunity. Come and talk with me!" He answered

I get out of my bed. I went to the bathroom and I took of my clothes. Then Asher comes into the bathroom and I tried to hide myself.

"HEY! I'M NAKED! What are you doing here?!!!!" I yell

"Sorry! I just forgot my comb here..." 

He came out of the bathroom and I finished dressing me up. When I came out of it, there he was. 

"Come! I was waiting for you!" He said

He took me to his bedroom. We talked, we got to know each other and we laughed a lot together. He's so nice and cute! I can't believe it's really him! Suddenly "Ding Dong". Someone was at the door. Asher told me to wait in his bedroom. I did not resist and I went to see who it was. I hot girl, with long blonde hair, smiling. 

"Hi my dear! Do you want to finish what we didn't finish yesterday? Oh of course you want! My little baby!" She said. What was she talking about. She tossed Asher to the couch and climbed onto him. What?! Is she his girlfriend?! She started to kiss Asher. She took of her shirt. And she was starting to take of Asher's when he pulled away. 

"What are you doing Emily?!" He said

"Oh my dear, you don't have to hide your feelings. And you're home alone. We could go to your bedroom and... you know. Yesterday your mom took you of my party because... I don't know. But I don't care, because now we can finish, can't we?" She said. She layed on him and took of his shirt. OMG what the hell was happening there? Asher told me that he didn't have a gf! Tomorrow I will write here what happened next. I need to take some rest!

P.S. - I recognize the hot girl. She played Andi Mack. OMG she played Asher's ex-girlfriend. Do they actually hang out together? I will find out more about this.

Your Anne

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