Chapter 18 - Findings

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As Riku walked towards the Beast's Valley, Lira and Erica were walking behind him, with Edward and Mac staying behind. "Why the they have to stay behind again?" asked Riku in confusion.

"Well, having this many people would make the whole place cluttered, Master!" said Erica. "I guess that's true..." said Riku as he laughter slightly. "Are you certain you're perfectly fine?" asked Lira.

"Perfectly fine!" said Riku with an annoyed tone. "Master will be fine, Ms.Lira. We both know that!" said Erica, smiling at Lira. "Y-yes..." she mumbled with a smile, still worried.

As the three of them reached the Beast's Valley, Riku entered through the door, leaving the other two behind. "Be careful!" said Lira with worry. "What are you so worried about?! I'm just gonna talk to it!" said Riku, trying to reassure her.

As Riku stood in front of the deep hole, leading to the Beast's Valley, he opened his mouth. "Beast! Mission Complete!!" he yelled with confidence as he began to experience an earthquake.

"Here it comes..." thought Riku as he kept his balance. As Riku and the girls watched, the Beast began emerging from its valley. "There you are!" said Riku with a smile at the sight of the Beast, fully showing itself to him and the others.

"You have completed the mission you received?" asked the Beast. "Yeah! I did." said Riku. "How amusing. The mission I had given you was of the highest difficulty, too, but you completed it in less than a week..." said the Beast with an impressed tone.

"Spare me the flatter. I wanna ask for my reward!" said Riku with a smile. "I see. You may ask me anything you desire." said the Beast, regaining its calm tone. "Anything I want..." thought Riku as he quickly clenched his fist.

"I want to ask a name! A special name for me!" yelled Riku, confusing Erica and Lira. "A name?" asked the Beast. "You're supposed to answer anything, right?!" he asked. "Correct." it replied.

   "What's my mother's name?"

asked Riku, petrifying Lira and Erica completely. "Coma again, Master?!" asked Erica. Not getting an answer, Erica began to worry, with Lira completely speechless.

"Is that your final decision?" asked the Beast. "Yeah." said Riku in a serious tone. "Then I shall reveal it to you." said the beast, causing Riku to flinch for a second before regaining his cool.

        "Shiratoya Kamijou..."

said the Beast, shocking Riku. "Kamijou..." mumbled Riku as he slowly sat down. "Riku?!" asked Lira, beginning to enter the room. "Stay there." said Riku, demandingly. "W-why...?" asked Lira in confusion.

"I want to...stay a little longer. I wanna let it sink in. I'm perfectly fine!" said Riku with his back against Lira and Erica, hiding the river of tears going down his face as he smiled.

"So I'm...Riku Kamijou? Then what about Riku Rosenfeld? Is Kamijou my actual name from birth?" thought Riku as he stood up, wiping away his tears, revealing a bright smile. "Thanks! Really appreciated!" he yelled with a shaking voice, obviously noticed by Erica and Lira.

"I'm going now! Thought of something I wanna check out!" said Riku, beginning to walk backwards. "Before you go, Japanese boy..." said the Beast, stopping Riku, causing him to turn around.

"Would you want a new mission for yourself?" asked the Beast, widening Riku's eyes. "A new one? Already?" asked Riku with confusion. "Indeed. Surprisingly, I have many, many missions prepared for you..." said the Beast, confusing the three of them even more.

"Sure. Give it to me!" said Riku with determination, surprising the two girls. "R-riku! You shouldn't!" she yelled with worry. "It'll be fine! You can trust me." said Riku with a forced happy tone. "Master..." thought Erica as she stared.

As the Beast opened its eyes, she looked at a wall in the room, shooting light from its eyes, beginning to project words onto the wall, just like the first time.

  "Gain Evan Clengcher's trust."

appeared on the wall, widening Lira and Riku's eyes in complete shock, causing Lira to fall to her knees in disbelief. "Ms.Lira! Calm down!" yelled Erica as she watched Lira gasp and pant with stress.

"D-don't give me that! That's Lira's father and he...died!" yelled Riku with anger. "That is true." said the Beast. "Then how am I even supposed to complete that mission?!" asked Riku, trying to ignore his shock.

"Even if a person is deceased, it does not mean they are not able to interact." said the Beast as it closed its eyes, leaving Riku bewildered. After a complete minute of silence, Riku took a step forward, his step breaking the silence, causing Lira to look at him, still shocked.

         "What's the reward...?"

asked Riku, leaving Lira speechless. "Your reward shall be...a personal ability, given to you by me." said the Beast. "Ability? What are you talking about?!" asked Riku.

"That I shall not reveal..." said the Beast as it began to retract back into its Valley. "W-wait...!" mumbled Riku as he clenched his fist in silence. After a small amount of time, Riku turned around, beginning to walk back towards the girls.

"Master, you don't have to complete that mission!" said Erica as she held onto Lira, trying to calm her down. "Lira." simply said Riku, getting on his knee in front of her, getting her complete attention.

           "Do you trust me?"

asked Riku with a serious tone. "Do you?" she mumbled. "Yeah. Answer it truthfully..." said Riku as he took her hand, shocking her. As Lira stood there, looking at Riku, she parted her lips with a shake in her lip.


she said with a long tear going down her face. As Riku smiler, he wiped her tear away. "I'm gonna meet him somehow. I promise." he said, maintaining a serious tone while talking to her.

As Erica stared, Lira smiled slowly. "Yes...Thank you, Riku." said Lira, breaking into tears. "Eh?!" yelled out Riku as he blushed. Before he could realise it, Lira had hugged him, wiping her tears on his coat.

"H-hey!! Lira...?" yelled Riku, getting ignored. "She's been trying to hide all of her real emotions and frustration behind her princessey look..." thought Riku as he placed his hand on her hand gently.

"Cry it all out. You deserve it." said Riku as he watched her cry. "Master...I understand a little bit about you every day, don't I?" thought Erica as she watched from a distance.

As they stood there for a long time, Lira let go of Riku, wiping away whatever was left of her tears. "Wanna go?" asked Riku calmly. "Yes!" replied Lira as he helped her stand up, both of then smiling at each other.

               ~1 Hour Later~

"What?! That's not really possible, is it?" asked Edward in confusion. "That's what I thought, but the Beast claimed it be seizable." replied Riku. "How are you gonna do that?" asked Mac, equally confused.

"No idea whatsoever, honestly!" said Riku with frustration. "Why does it always give me these incredibly hard missions to complete?!" yelled Riku as he stomped the ground in rage.

"But Riku, honestly, are you sure you're okay with this?" asked Mac, surprising Riku. "Okay with it? Like I have a choice." said Riku, surprising them both. "I kinda have to complete it now. It's not just for me this time." said Riku.

"Yeah, but talking with someone who passed away? How could that be doable?" asked Mac. "Well..." said Riku, beginning to think. As Riku's eyes widened, he looked at them. "What's wrong?" asked Edward.

      "Do you have a library?!"

asked Riku, surprising the boys. "Why do you ask?" asked Edward. "Just answer the question!" said Riku in a demanding tone. "We do have one...!" said Mac with nervousness.

"Great! Lead me there!" demanded Riku as he began pulling both of them by the clothes. "H-hey! Calm down, Riku!" yelled Mac, getting ignored. "Sorry, but no can do!" replied Riku.

  "Maybe I can find info there!"

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