Chapter 2

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This is the very first time i made povs well enjoy

Roger's pov:
I was happy that katie helped me i just just got new friends,well it was a sunday,i got all dressed and im now going to ryder's

As he arrived he saw ryder and his friends play with the pups,even though the pups are in high school they are still playful

Roger:Hey guys,wow pups

Ryder:Pups this is roger

All pups:Hey roger

Roger:Ahh! wait you never told me you have talking pups

Ryder:Sorry i keep forgetting that

Katie:Dont worry he does that everytime

Roger:So who are you pups?

Marhsall:Im marshall,this is rubble,chase,rocky,zuma,skye,everest and tracker

Chase:Are you new here?

Roger:Yeah i just moved last summer

Rubble:How was your first day of senior high in adventure bay?

Roger:Good.....oh who am i kidding GREAT! what about you pups?

Rocky:Also great we got to learn new stuff

Zuma:Its kinda like middle school to me

Skye:Well its just our first week who knows maybe well face tougher challenges

Carlos:Well whatever they are  i know you pups can do it

Everest:Thanks well do our best

Tracker:Same to you amigos

After they hung out they all went home except for katie,the pups on the other hand are at there pup houses..sleeping

Katie:Uhh Ryder?


Katie:I want to tell you something,well when im at college i was thinking about moving.....

Ryder:Oh thats coo- ...wait MOVING?

Katie:Yeah my mom was planning to work at a different country,so she said that i must come with her

Ryder:Well,We still have two years of senior high,and make the most of it

They got in a hug that they never did before,after katie went home ryder went into his room,as he lie down to his bed

Ryder's pov:
Me and katie are together for so long i thought we are going to college together but it got changed....oh what am i gonna do

Katie's pov:
I wish that i could stay here for college and be with my love but.....

As morning came and Ryder and katie already got dressed,the pups on the other hand got up early and already went to school

Meanwhile with the pups

Marshall:Hey guys did you finksh your homework?

Rubble:Sure it was really tough

Chase:You can say that again

Skye:It was easy for me

Rocky:How come you finished so quickly?

Skye:Everytime they give us homework i usually make it before we arrived at the lookout

Zuma:So no wonder you are so busy

Everest:Well at least we finished it

Tracker:Well we better get inside amigos the bell will ring soon.

The pups then get in the school,meanwhile at the senior high...

Ryder's pov:
I don't feel like going in school today after hearing what katie said last night well i guess i just have to attend class

Katie's pov:
Oh no i dont see ryder maybe he felt so down that he even dont want to go to school

Katie approached to her friends

Katie:Hey guys have any of you seen ryder

Roger:Not since last night


Danny:How about you call him

Katie:I tried but he did not answer

Ace:Did you try to visit him?

Katie:I did but when i arrived at the lookout he wasnt there

Gabby:Did you ask the pups?

Katie:They did not seem him either...oh where could he be

Just then ryder came in and hugged katie unexpectedly

Katie:Oh ryder where have you been i was so worried

Ryder:Uhh i was just with the teacher at the library

Katie:Why you are not anwering my cal- oh its a library i have been trying to call you all day

Ryder:Sorry teacher said i have to switch my pup pad off

As the two hugged they all went to there classes,after some subjects it was time for lunch

Katie's pov:
Wow i really thought that ryder was trying to ignore me after what i said last night i guess my friends should know too

Ryder:Guys katie wants to tell you something


Katie:Im planning on moving away for college

Carlos:What i thought you said youre gonna got to college here

Katie:Yeah but my mom is planning to move after two year

Gabby:Please dont leave

Eljie:We will miss you

Ace:And we only have two years left

Danny:Of all the years.....

Harold:Why do you have to leave i wish you could stay here...

Katie:I wish i could

As lunch and classes ended they all met up at the bus stop

Ryder's pov:
I really wish she would stay here with us for college even thoug we will get separated

As ryder arrived at the lookout,the pups then saw ryder even more sad than before

Marshall:Ryder why so sad?

Ryder:Its just that katie is planning to move away at college


Rubble:Wait you guys still have two more years so.....

Chase:You two could still hang out....

Rocky:Make the most of it

Ryder:thanks pups well its getting kinda late though

Zuma:*yawn*yeah i getting sleepy

Everest:We should get some sleep

Tracker:Goodnight amigos,goodnight ryder

Ryder:Night pups.

Ryder's pov:
Well the pups are right i will make the most it,enjoying two years with katie,even though she will leave though.......or wont she....

Ryder then fell asleep as he remember the time that he hang out with katie

Is this chapter good enough well i hope you like it,also i will not include the pups high school because this story focuses on ryder and katie with their friends,the pups are still in the story.

PAW PATROL:KATIE AND RYDER ADVENTURES IN SENIOR HIGH(season 2)Where stories live. Discover now