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I scrolled through my notifications, there were 5 messages left for me when I was offline for the past 15 minutes because I have to do my daily routine at work, cleaning all of the stuff at my desk, not allowing a speck of dirt to remain on the table.

It was all messages left by the neighbour next door after I have given him my number last night before returning back to my own apartment, he requested for it so that we could communicate better instead of the old-fashioned ways of waiting for the right time and moment to meet each other.

He told me to reply to his messages at all times as he likes his messages to be replied quickly and I am the total opposite of him, I like to leave my phone elsewhere while I would go on my usual day. Other than that, it would be on my desk or my bed and get ignored for hours. I have to change this habit a little now...

Arrived safely at work?

I read the first message, it was shortly after I have left the apartment to go to work. I replied him back with a 'Yes since 15 minutes ago' before I moved to the next few messages. Which is just him telling me to reply to him as soon as possible, it reminds me of my mother who loved to know my whereabouts all the time.

So to save all the time replying back to his messages, I decided to call him. My heart was pounding hard as I waited for him to pick up his phone which he did after 3 rings. Why am I feeling so nervous about this? It is not like the first time that I am calling someone...

"Hello?" He greeted with a sleepy voice and I chuckled at that voice but man, he sounded so sexy and husky in that voice.

"Did you just woke up?" I asked him and he replied. "After sending me all those messages?"

"Yea, I just wanted to know if you arrived safely at work." He answered. "Did you read all those messages?"

I let out a long sigh. "You're seriously like my mother, do you really have to send a message every 5 minutes?"

"I was checking if you are still alive and healthy and it turns that you are alive." He chuckles. "Do you miss me a little?"

"Do you have work to do?" I reminded him of his job, that he needed to pick up the brush to make money.

"Babe, I'm a freelancer. I work anytime I want and I submit them before the deadline for my exhibition." He answered.

Babe never sounded more affectionate than it ever was in my dictionary, I only call my closest friends that and the person before Lee MinHyuk never called me a name of endearment. The closest that I can think of Park JinYoung ever calling me is just SooNa-ah which is still technically my name, I was the one who called him Oppa because he was a year older than me.

"When's the exhibition anyways? I want to attend it." I asked, looking at my calendar for any free days. "I want to go and open my eyes to another world of art by the great artist Lee MinHyuk."

"It is on the 15th of July." My hands immediately flipped to the month of July in my calendar, nothing is written on that date and I had nothing to do on that day other than going to work. "You would have to pay for it, I'm not going to pay for your tickets."

"But I'm your special someone, your neighbour next door! Shouldn't I have a special offer for that alone?" I whined, annoyed that I would have to pay for it, just like everyone else on this planet.

"You forgot to add something very important to your title." He reminded me and I thought long and hard of what that something is when he started speaking again into the phone as if he is giving me time to think. "My girlfriend, that is that something that had to add in your title."

It sounded so foreign when he said that I was his girlfriend and it hit me hard in the chest when I realize that I was someone more to him instead of just being his neighbour next door, that day wasn't just a mistake. He is for real when he said that he wanted to take care of me and be there for me when I needed him.

I heard someone clearing her throat and I jumped, looking at my right, someone has been in this room eavesdropping on my conversation. It was Yoo JungYeon. "Ah, you scared me! When did you even come in!"

I immediately went back to my call. "Call me later!" I ended the call and looked back to my colleague with an awkward facial expression. "How are you today?"

She raised my eyebrow at my question. "Fine? Who are you being so lovey-dovey with? I could sense the cheesiness from outside of your office."

"Just someone," I mumbled.

"Your boyfriend, the one who goes overseas all the time?" I shook my head immediately.

"We ended things already and it has been a week," I explained and she showed that shocked facial expression.

"Then who is that? Another Lover? You sure move on really quickly." She commented. "How is this new guy?"

"He is okay, he is totally different from the previous guy," I told her and I moved side to side trying to get the nervousness out of me.

"You definitely love this guy." She looked at me. "I'm very sure."

"Why so?" I know that I have feelings for Lee MinHyuk but it is way too soon to say that I love him, well it has only been less than 24 hours since I confessed my feelings to him.

"Your mannerisms, they are so different from when you were dating Park JinYoung. He never makes you feel like this but this new guy does. Look, you are even blushing right now." I touched my cheeks and it was warm, I am really blushing. "What kind of magic does he even do to you that you fall head over heels with him in less than a week?"

To be honest, I don't even know if I really fell in love with Park JinYoung back then. It is a very foreign feeling and I have never felt this way until I met my neighbour.

Miss Imperfect // lee minhyuk (#24)Where stories live. Discover now