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Sana handed me a basket. "Go and buy more supplies for me, I'm running out a little."

I crossed my arms at her, refusing to take it. "You are the owner, you should be getting the supplies yourself and plus you have a part-timer who works exclusively just for you, you could ask her to do that for you."

She points over to the poor part-timer who is, as usual, tending to the customers and can barely cope with the workload. "But she is busy as you can see, I can't force her to go out to buy supplies when she already has so much on her plate."

I clenched my teeth tightly. "Then why must it be me? And you have nothing, you go out to buy the supplies yourself."

"I can't do that because I am still busy testing your boyfriend to see if he is the ideal boyfriend for you, there are still a few rounds for him." I glanced over at Minhyuk who is currently reading a book at the moment. "It would take a while but it is worth it if he passes the test."

I should have brought him to meet my actual family instead of coming here to meet a girl who is obsessed with handsome people, I had totally forgotten that part and now I slightly regret it now. I have 3 girlfriends and she is the worst out of them all, I should have brought him to find the other two, they are both married and they are not that obsessed compared 
to Sana who is single and has an obsession with handsome good-looking guys.

She nudged me by the shoulder. "Come on, I am doing this for you. You seemed pretty bored the entire time and you have not managed to successfully to join our conversation at all, I thought that I would give you something to do so that you wouldn't doze off and sleep."

I looked at her with a slightly hurtful facial expression, though it is more of a joking one. "Excuse me? I am not one of your part-timers, I am your friend and you can't boss your friend around like an employee. And you guys were talking about penguins and it is not my thing, I have nothing in common to talk about."

She suddenly gasps. "Is my habit acting up again?" And I just nodded. "I'm so sorry! I was so attracted to his looks that I just kept talking and talking to him without even realizing that you might have been jealous about it the entire time, I am such a bad friend and I shouldn't even be doing this."

I just sighed, it is because she lacked a boyfriend that she is being like this. If only she has got one guy where she could stare at all the time... Minhyuk sure have some male friends and I wonder whether if they are single or
not, it could be a great opportunity to introduce them to Sana so that she would be satisfied with her life for the next few months or less, if she is even able to make her relationships last long in the first place.

She suddenly marched her way towards Minhyuk and took away the plate of cookies that he was munching on, I thought that he said that he was bloated from all the pastries earlier and he was crying for help. "I'm so sorry that you are still eating but you have to leave right now."

Minhyuk looks at her with a blank face, not knowing what she had meant. "What do you mean?"

"You are so attractive and I have to chase you out of the store before I would really start to fall for you and that would ruin my relationship with my best friend, we don't share guys with each other." That made Minhyuk even more confused and I pulled her aside.

"She just means that she needs to do her job as the owner of the bookstore and we are kind of the way in her business, it is better that we leave now and you had enough to eat to last the entire week."

He immediately spat out the cookie, feeling relieved almost immediately. "I'm so sorry that I ate almost all of your food but it was indeed delicious, thanks for preparing that. I really appreciate it a lot."

"Yes..." She smiled at Minhyuk with a lovestruck look and she suddenly slaps herself. "I seriously am just a bookstore, I just happened to learn how to bake to save costs to hire a baker."

I nodded at her witty response and I pushed him out of the bookstore, I closed the door behind us and I let out a huge sigh of relief. "We're finally out of Sana's hell, you could have almost turned into a pig if I didn't stop her in time."

He raised his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm sorry but I seriously have no idea about what you two have been talking about."

"You see, Sana has an obsession towards good-looking men and she tends to fall in love too quickly with them sometimes even if the guy just happened to make eye contact with her with no intention. And she would feed the guy that she likes with the food that she prepares, it doesn't matter if he is full or not."

He gasped. "Is she going to turn me into a pig?" I just laughed at her response.

I noticed that he has breadcrumbs at the corner of his mouth. "Almost, if I hadn't reminded her that she has to stop going after my guy, you wouldn't be able to leave the bookstore today." I wiped it away with my thumb. "She had wanted to send me on an errand so that I could be away from you for a moment and I am afraid of all the things that she might do to you, so I decided to rescue you before it is too late."

He turned red at my actions and he clears his throat. "You don't need to do that though, I can just become fat and chubby and you would still love me." He laughs nervously. "You would, right?"

"Right, I would." I held his hand. "Thanks for not thinking that my friend is weird, she may be weird sometimes but that is just her personality, she loves to take care of people and sometimes they don't appreciate her efforts and think of her as a burden. That is what her ex-boyfriends told her before breaking up with her and because of that, she hasn't dated anyone for quite a while."

"She is a great person and she makes excellent desserts, I almost forgot that it is a bookstore and not a café or a restaurant. If she is weird, I think that everyone is a little weird in their own ways and it is just if they want to express it in public or in private."

I thought that he was a motivational speaker for a moment, he looks like a person who works in the business world rather than the art industry, I guess that the clothes make the person and it reflects the kind of personality that the person has. Seeing him not wearing his stained clothes makes me think of him in a different light but it is still better that he wears the clothes that he wants and what he is comfortable wearing.

"Do you think that I was a little too hard on you? I forced you to change your style to go meet my friend and got forced fed by my friend and get engaged in conversations that you don't really like and you have to leave because I was getting a little jealous seeing you being so smiley with my friend." That it is, I said the word, I admitted that I was jealous of Sana smiling at Minhyuk all the time and I couldn't pretend that it is just a friendly interaction.

I looked at him with a guilty facial expression and he just pulled me into his embrace. "If there is anything that I am not happy about, it is nothing that I am not happy about. I really appreciate you doing this for me today, you prepared me for the big event with your family by letting me meet your friend. I really like that and I thank you for being so patient with me, I would bring you to meet my friends the next time before you would meet my parents."

I pulled away from him. "Then that's good, I look forward to meeting them. And perhaps, I can do something special for Sana then." He looks at me confused and I just winked.

Miss Imperfect // lee minhyuk (#24)Where stories live. Discover now