Chapter 28

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I'm skipping to the quest day. Roar. 

        "Get away!" my voice echos around the cavern as I stare at the form of Gaea, my eyes narrowed.

"Oh but my dear... I have a proposal for you." her voice is bone chilling, and I have to force myself and focus on not letting her convince me. This is how she gets to you. Through dreams. Not through capturing and torturing in the waking world. But only when you are fast asleep, defenseless, and half dead.

"What kind of proposal." my voice was shaking, this was one situation of which I could not stay brave. This was Gaea. Even if I was a god, or even if I was truly not, I wouldn't stand a chance against her in the dream world.

"You hate the gods. They've separated you from life. You hate the Fates. You got re born into a life that you can not die of--"

"Not unless I choose so." I interrupt. "I am not a full goddess yet, remember that Gaea."

She hisses in annoyance but nods, then continues, "Yet you still hate them. Your hatred grows stronger every day. Do not mistake, Silkia RiverMont. You will join me, you want to." 

"First of all dirt face." I said, hatred seething in my voice, "Nobody calls me Silkia RiverMont anymore. That is my old name of my former life. Now, be gone. Let me awake." with that I woke up and realized it was time for the questers to leave. I quickly got up, took a shower, got dressed, then went up. They were all dressed for their quest.

"Good luck." I told them all and they all nodded. Gem was holding her nose up in a snooty way. I hugged Perce, Lily, and Gem. I kissed James on the cheek, smiling. "Try to stay alive, Fish Boy." she said and he nodded, grinning.

"You too, Silver." he said. I nodded and went up to Jay, kissing him on the cheek as well. "I'll see you when you get back. Deal?"

"Deal." Jay grinned at me and I grinned back. During the two days we had had left together, we decided to make amends. I was not happily (and proudly) Jays girlfriend again. And I was happy as Apollo in Japan.

I hugged him tightly and then let go, looking at my friends.

"Goodbye." whispered Scarlet, hugging Lily.

"Goodbye Scarlet. Stay safe." said Lily and Scarlet nodded slowly, pulling away. 

"Well, we'll see you all when we get back!" yelled James and they all descended up to the surface world.

"They're gonne die!" wailed Scarlet as soon as they left and I hugged her, looking at her. 

"Its okay. Maybe they won't." I whispered, sighing. "We're going to see our friends again."

"Don't promise me that..." murmured Scarlet, "You know that may not be true."

"I know." I said reluctantly.

"Want to go meet Hesita?" asked Scarlet.

I smiled slightly, "Sure thing." together we walked off to find Hestia, lady of the hearth.


We marched through Denver Colorado, as that was where we had appeared. "Hey! Its Starbucks!" exclaimed Gem.

"Yum. Can we get a cup?" asked James.

"Why don't we ask Perce?" I asked, looking at our silent friend.

"Sure." she said quietly and I nodded.

"Race ya!" I announced and dashed off to the store.

"I'm gonna win Lily!" yelled James, coming up behind me.

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