Chapter 39

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Okay people, I'm having a really, really rough time right now. My eyes are puffy and honestly I feel horrible.. Betrayed, as some would put. So I'm taking these feelings and putting them into my writing. I'm going to have a little fight between Jayver. Enjoy. You don't like sappy sob story's then DONT READ THIS. So sorry if there is bad spelling or something. I'm writing this on my iPad. Publishing it on it too. Enjoy.

Afternote: Listen to the song while reading dis.


Time stopped. Time froze. Time stood still. I was brought away from the battle with a hoarse scream. I felt my body vaporize into light and I stumbled into a different world. I yelped, a dress on me. I didn't get it. I should've still been in my ultimate form. I lifted myself off if the ground, torn pieces of a once beautiful white dress slowly lifting off the ground. The dress was torn, dirt, tattered, destroyed.

I looked around at my surroundings, nothing special. Just a dull, dreary world, the bottom filled with fog. Mist was coming in, so water was near. More like an ocean.

"Silver?" Whispered a voice. I turned my head and slowly I walked toward the voice, barefoot. Then I saw him. It was Jay. He was in a tattered black suit, barefoot as well. His hair was messier than usual, and his eyes were dull.

Maybe it was the fact that I missed him. Missed him comforting me, but I had the urge to move forward and hug him. Just to feel the embrace of someone. To let me know that there is still something left in my life full of purpose. But I didn't. I didn't make a move, I just stood there, staring at him. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to. But I didn't. My eyes locked with his.

But I turned away. Instead I focused on the black top hat he was wearing. It was torn in about five other places, had patches over it, no doubt to cover other holes.

"Hello Jay." I murmured softly after awhile, still not meeting his eyes. Instead of focusing on the horribly tattered clothes I looked down at the ground. If I stared at Jay in any way, I knew I would crumble.

"Come on, look at me." He whispered softly, taking a few steps toward me. I took a step back with each step he took. Some people may think I'm being unreasonable, that if I miss my wolf boy so much that I should just go to him, accepting him back into my life. But those kind of people wouldn't get that. I've lost my mom, I've lost my dad, it's better I keep everything away from me. Everything that Gaea can use to harm me. Besides, it hurts when I'm with him. But it hurts when I'm away from him too. I'm sorry, but I've been betrayed to many times. I thought Jay was different. Now I know I was wrong.

"I can't." I replied quietly, my voice shaking.

"Yes, you can." I felt a finger touch my chin and my head was lifted up until I we as staring into blue green eyes. I held the gaze for awhile, then we both slowly leaned in.




Then I pulled away. Swiftly and quickly. Jay looked at me.

"Silver--" he made another reach but I stepped out of range.

"You don't get why I'm still mad, do you?" I asked, looking a this aura.

"No. No I do not."

I looked around the empty world and slowly swirled my hands in a circle. Light shine through the fog, and spirals shot up into the air. "Jay." I started, "I've had my heart broken my heroes, mortals, even a god. My story of tales is worse than Calypso's. Zoë got betrayed once, heartbroken once. Combine Calypso and Zoë's heartbreaks, you still won't level up to mine."

"But... Who else besides Theseus?" Asked Jay slowly.

"Other heroes. Most of which I... Do not wish to name. A mortal, named Thorn. I loved him for his courage, he did not know of the godly world, he was not a hero. But he still lived the life of one. Then we have Benjamin, and no, not Franklin."

"Well I don't know who Franklin is, so." Interrupted Jay with a shrug, and I almost laughed. But I didn't.

"Benjamin was a smart, Mexican boy. He loved books, loved the old tales of Greek mythology. I would always helpless him to research, correct him or one of the books if they were wrong. We had so much fun together, but then something about him changed, and I lost my Ben. There are others, Adam, Nime, Alect, Juan,"

"Tell me about the god, if you want to that is." Suggested Jay and I sighed. The light that had been traveling around formed into a heart, but then it blacked into shadows.

"I fell in love with Eros, Jay. The god of love, son of Aphrodite. After I had heard of him I had gone searching. I had been trying to get over Juan, so I went to see him. I didn't trust Aphrodite at the time, in fact I even cursed at her during the nights. Anyway. I found Eros. Fell in love with him. It was a stage I was going through. After Eros I fell in love with Death. Better known as Thanatos. I wanted someone who could feel my pain. Who could understand it. Then after those gods I found Theseus." Even saying the name, it sent a chill down my spine.

"I died, trying to help him. His stubbornness was sweet. But it wasn't like Hercules. He was stubborn in the way that... Was protective. Like a mothers instinct toward her child. I helped him, with the sow. He killed it in the end. But I died with it." The heart of shadows (or as I called it, the heart of pain) vanished.

"No wonder." Murmured Jay.

"Jay I... I like you, a lot. But after what you did, I'm not gonna forgive you."

"But I wasn't even the one who kissed her! She kissed me!" He yelled.

"You still let it happen!" I shot back.

"The barbie doll is stronger than she looks!" He cried.

"Sorry Jay. But I don't think your the one." I whispered quietly.

"Are you going to run to my brother?" He demanded as I turned around, ready to walk away and hopefully vanish.

"No." I whispered, turning my head slightly so I could just cast the words over my shoulder. "I'm better off a maiden." With that I vanished.


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