Chapter 61

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        Have you ever heard the cry of the horrid arai? Its music to your ears. That is, if your a fighter. Immediately I spotted Silver in the arena and charged. The cries of all of Night's children was incredible! Leo turned into a flaming boy and launched into the air, slamming in the middle of the monsterous ranks. I began to summon fire animals, such as wolves and angry, angry birds.

Sadie (Kane) held out her staff and shouted Ha-di! Immediately everything broke down, stands in the arena collapsed, sending monsters that were watching down into the arena, and they were soon met with a blonde kids sword.

"Egyptians, ADVANCE!" the trained kids from the Brooklyn House surged forward.

"HALF BLOODS, BASH SOME HEADS!" screamed Leo, somewhere from within the middle of the monster ranks. The half bloods roared and slashed and hacked through the monsters.

"Is Pecy up and fighting!?" asked Silver toward Lily (I remember her). 

"Uh, yeah! Still goth! But on our side!" she called back and Silver nodded. She kept on shooting her shotguns, until a monster tackled her and she got dragged into the middle of the battle.

Finally I had enough of watching and I charged into the battle, screaming and hungry for blood. I sliced through some weird looking monster and immediately I felt a pain in my skull. I shook it off, of course. I continued to slash and hack, but I could tell, that, even with our numbers, we were dead.

With one last effort I put out my hands, ignoring the monsters around me. I felt a sword slice my calf but I clenched my jaw and concentrated.

I spread out my hands to the side, leveled with my shoulders. Slowly an orb of flames formed around me, casting me into the air. I could hear the fighting stop, but I couldn't stray from my purpose. 

Slowly I felt the heat around me increase, my arms turned to wings, my nose to a beak. My hair shot up and formed a small spikey section at the back of my head. My feet morphed into claws, and soon I was a full grown phoenix. 

I marveled at my long, firey tail. Then I let out a loud, ear piercing screech and tucked my wings in against my body and dove down toward the stunned monsters, spinning in a circle, picking some up with my claws as I flew above them in a fast torpedo. I flung them into the air where Jason Grace (Silver had told me about him) would finish them off.

I was to excited to think about how many monsters kept coming, I loved being a phoenix. But sadly... My victory was short lived.

With a mighty roar a giant appeared, though he used to be passed on as a normal human. Orion, the great hunter. Packs of wolves followed him, followed by the first werewolf king, Lycaon. I study Greek mythology, okay?

"Daughter of Nemisis, do you truly wish to hide behind your disguise?" snarled Orion. Daughter of Nemisis? I shook the thought off me and I let out a loud screech in response.

I attacked the wolves, picking them up and throwing them into the air, but it did them no damage. They would just land and shake off the impact. There was no possible way to beat them. I tried to fry them, no luck.

I let out a loud, furious screech. But then something happened that I didn't expect.

"Luke!?" asked Annabeth in amazement.

"Thats my name. Don't wear it out." he said, the scar on his cheek twitching. Behind him stood fallen warriors from the Titan War and the first attack from Gaea.

Hunters of Artemis gathered behind him, Bianca, Phoebe, and many others. Leading the hunters was the one and only Zoë Nightshade. I didn't think she'd join us for these battles.

"Say goodnight, Lycaon." she hissed, and volleys of arrows shot at the werewolves. Then, Luke and the other fallen half bloods charged at Orion. I followed them, screeching. I dove in and burned Orion every time his defense weakened.

"Lily! Help them!" yelled Silver. Lily obliged immiedately, and, somehow, from the sky above and right through the ground and into Tartarus a lightning bolt dropped down, slamming into Orion. It was at that moment I had realized no one was fighting Nyx. I had time to look to see how the hunters were doing, Zoë jumped into the air and aimed her bow, hitting a wolf. I let out yet another screech (I'm sorry but its so fun) and charged down at the goddess, slamming into her and burning her robes. 

Nyx let out a painful scream and I shot into the air, then looked down at her and flapped my wings, singing whirls and whirls of flames after her. Her dark outfit ignited into flames and she screeched.

"You cannot kill a goddess!" she screamed.

"No, but I can burn you." I squawked. I shot into the air higher and spread my wings out all the way, letting light break through the ruins of Tartarus and slam into the goddess, turning her into ashes. I knew she wasn't gone, but at least she wouldn't be around to bother us for awhile.

I turned back to the battle, but it wasn't looking good. Orion had knocked out about a quarter of our dead and undead ranks, and more and more of Lycaon's servants came to fight.

Thats when it happened.

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