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The next morning came with mom and Tony staring me down like murdered someone. I looked back at them, rubbing my eyes "why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked. That were silent and I sighed, grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change, when I came out I stared at them again. They were still ignoring me so I went to get breakfast and that's when I seen Dante sitting at one of the tables, I walked over towards him and gave him a small smile. He sighed and I knew something was wrong, "Michelle... I think it's a bad idea us to keep going with...this." Dante said with a sigh, I screamed the room and turned my head back to Dante with borrow eyes," Dante please..." I said, lowering my voice. I know I didn't know him that well but I felt attached to him, I felt my heart breaking so I got up and back to my room for the rest of the day.
I heard a knock on the door and it was mom and Tony." Hey are you doing alright?" Mom asked. When I looked at the clock it was already about 5:30 pm, I looked at her through my puffy eyes, my head hurts, and most of the pillow was wet from all the tears. "No I'm not." I finally said after sniffing a few times, "Michelle,you only know this boy for a few days! You don't know his last name or where he's from or anything else like that." Tony spoke up"You shouldn't be crying over a boy you don't even know!" he exclaims." He's right..." Mom said. I wiped my face, " Huh-uh! Go to the bathroom and wipe your face." Tony said. And I did that, a few minutes later I came out," Are you ready for dinner?"mom asked" Yeah"I said. We all went to the dining room and like usual, everyone was getting their plate of food and sat at their table, we did the same. I looked around and saw him sitting with bunch of girls at his table, I cleared my throat and drank some lemonade as mom and Tony staring at me. Suddenly the lights times and woman came out in sparkling red dress. She introduced herself and started singing, I glanced at him again but this time, we made eye contact I quickly looked away and keep eating. After an hour, there was an intermission and that's when I told mom and Tony that I was going to bed, they were looking at me supiously but let me go.

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