Chapter 1

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This story takes off from where the last episode ended...enjoy!

Chapter 1

        Lindsay ditched the Academic Summit and she couldn't be happier. She was tired of doing what everyone expected of her and was finally ready to do something fun; something that she wanted to do. She was doing this for herself and no one else. Of course, she knew she wouldn't have been able to embark on her journey without the help of Victor and Laurie and Kim at her side. 

        She knew her parents would be absoloutely pissed if they found out where she was headed- but that's why she made sure they would never find out. With the help of Kim and Laurie, she called the University of Michigan pretending to be her mother and claiming she had come down with a case of mono and wouldn't be there for the summit. She even provided a fake number in case they needed to reach Lindsay or her family. That way, if they wanted to check up on her or maybe offer her something else from the university (who knows if they would really call for anything, but it's better to be safe than sorry),  they wouldn't be able to actually contact her parents.

        Lindsay doubted that there was any possible way that her plan could fail. She wasn't worried at all. Maybe she felt a little guilty for lying to her parents though. She did become a "freak" this year but that didn't mean that she didn't care for her parents anymore, unlike some other members of her group of friends. "Whatever," she thought to herself, the feelings of guilt she was having were sure to be overshadowed by all the fun she would be having. Besides, she was probably only feeling this way since her getaway had just begun; once she got on the road and the days faded one after another, guilt will have escaped her completely. 

        Lindsay, Kim, Laurie and Victor drove for 7 hours before finding somehwere to sleep. Being broke high school students, none of them could really afford to stay in a motel every night. The plan was to just drift onto some country road, park the van in the midst of some trees, and get some rest. Of course, once they actually got to the concerts they were planning on getting to, they would stay at the venues themselves and mingle with all the other Deadheads. 

        "I'm really glad we did this, guys," Lindsay said to her van mates. 

        "God Lindsay, you have no idea what you're in for. You're going to have the time of your life!" Victor beamed.

        "Well I'm just so glad to escape Chippewa for once, you know? All my life I've been stuck there and I've finally gotten to leave for a bit. I've got so much negative shit back there, but here? Right now? It's a fresh slate. I can do anything I want ... and it feels amazing to have this freedom," Kim said. 

        Lindsay gave her a reassuring smile. She had to agree with Kim, but only slightly. There were definitely parts of Chippewa that she would miss. But at the same time, she would only be gone for 2 weeks. Anything there would be waiting for her when she returned. "C'mon Kim, enough about freedom...let's get some sleep."

        It was 11 PM and Lindsay was exhausted. Change can do that sometimes. She wrapped herself in a quilt, laying in the back of the van. She laid there for a good 15 minutes, trying to fall asleep, but accepted failure once she realized she was too cold to drift off. The night air was filled with the sound of crickets, as well as an unusual cool breeze for the time of year. She quietly reached for her suitcase filled with her clothes to find a sweater to put around her bare arms. She had left her green army jacket- a staple of her wardrobe, up near the front of the van and didn't want to wake anyone that may have already dozed off trying to get it. 

        She fumbled around in the dark for something long sleeved. Finally she felt something and lathargically pulled it over her head. Now, time for some sleep. She sighed as she wrapepd herself in the quilt once again, shutting her eyes. This was definitely better. She moved her hands up her arms, appreciating the warmth she now had. She smiled and fell asleep immediately. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        The next morning, Lindsay awoke to subtle rays of sunlight making their way into the van. She rubbed her eyes and then noticed Kim was already awake, absent-mindedly reading a magazine. 

        "Hey Kim," she yawned, "How'd you sleep?"

        "Alright. But it would have been a lot better without the sound of Victor snoring," she rolled her eyes and motioned at Victor, who was still sleeping with Laurie. "How 'bout you Linds?" she asked.

        "I actually slept incredibly, like a freaking baby," Lindsay said, grinning. She propped herself up out of her blanket and sat leaning against the wall of the van.

        "Nice shirt Lindsay," Kim laughed, "I knew you weren't over him."

        "What?" Lindsay thought to herself. She glanced down at herself. The long sleeved shirt she threw on looked was Nick's.

        "I...I didn't know it was his!" Lindsay said defensively. She began to explain how she managed to pull it on last night but Kim's talkative voice was already interrupting her.

        "Oh, save it Lindsay. You are so in love with him," Kim teased.

        "No! Kim! I swear I didn't know. I sure didn't pack it with me so I dont know how it even got in there."

        "Sureee," Kim smirked to herself.

        "No really," Lindsay stumbled for words, "I mean, Nick stayed at my house for bit and left some clothes there... I... My mom must have put it there by accident."

        "Whatever you say, Linds," Kim said, "Doesn't change the fact that you've got the hots for Nick though."

        "Kim-," Lindsay started, but decided to just stay quiet. It was useless trying to get Kim, who was still smirking whilst flipping through the pages of her magazine, to stop teasing her. She slumped back against the wall of the van.

        Suddenly, all this talk of Nick sparked a memory of last night into Lindsay's mind. She slept so well she almost forgot the dream she had last night. Of course, staring the one and only Nick Andopolis. 

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