Another Author's Note

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Hey. Okay. So. I promise I am working on this and the new chapter should be up this weekend. I just really suck at writing and I was stuck. But also bored a little bit. It'll get better. And I've been busy. I went to London! Maybe Sherlock and John will make out underneath the blue chicken at Trafalgar Square.

Probably not.

Yeah, no. That's not going to happen.

I'm very sorry, my people. I am very tired and possibly delusional, and that is the reason why I'm not publishing my chapter tonight. I do not trust myself when I am tired.

So expect an update soon and I will stop that weird Mystrade scene from hanging. That was a weird place to stop for like two months.




New chapter soon.

Bye! And thank you all very much for your lovely comments and just for reading this!


PS This author's note is a horrible representation of my writing skills. Though they are not the best, they are far better than the jumbled, improper mess you see before you.

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