Chapter 8

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Harry stormed into the living room and sat down making a loud thud. His breathing was heavy. He was tense.

' What the fuck happened out there?' Lucy thought to herself. 

Harry's elbow rested on the side of the sofa as he used it to rub in between his eyes - which were closed. You could tell Harry was trying to calm down yet failing terribly at it. 

Lucy decided not to talk to him. Not touch him. Not do anything to him. He would just have to calm down on his own.

Lucy took him not paying attention to her advantage and got her phone out. She pressed on iMessage. Then on Louis who she had saved as "Boo Bear 💕💕". 

Harry never really liked the fact that that was his contact name, he told her many times to change it because it sounds too "Boyfriend-y". Lucy would never really change it though, she would change it to "Louis" when 
Harry asked her to and he wanted proof but once he went away. It was "Boo Bear 💕💕" once again. 

She typed a quick message to Louis.

Lucy: Hey, Lou, did Harry just call you?

Lucy waited. Seconds after, the bubble with three dots appeared.


                                                                                                                                           Louis: Yh

Lucy: If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

Lucy: He seems absolutely pissed.


                                                                                   Louis: Dw bout it

Lucy: What the fuck happened Louis?

Lucy: I thought we said perfect grammar when texting?


Louis: im not in the mood rn

Lucy: Um, may I ask, why?

Louis: just leave it, lu

Lucy: Oh my fucking god, Lou. 
I will come banging on your fucking door if you don't tell me

The bubble appeared. Yet went away straight after. Lucy waited for multiple seconds before she went to get her stuff. She was not kidding about going to his house. She quickly got changed out of her pyjamas and put on some blue jeans with a white crop-top. 

"There. Casual, but still looking good." she smiled to herself as she looked in the mirror. She quickly got her denim jacket on, took her keys and stuffed them in her pocket carelessly. 

"Babe! I'm going out to get... um... some new..." she paused, thinking of a good excuse, "Bedsheets! From IKEA! Bye! Love you!" 

Lucy didn't even wait for Harry's response before she slammed the door shut and went down the corridor to the lift. She pressed the button and got her phone out. 

Lucy: That's how we're going to play then, huh?

She sent the message to Louis and went inside the lift, pressing "G". Lucy got out the lift and building and ran straight for the bus. Luckily, her bus pass was already in her jacket ,and so, she scanned it and went to sit down near the back. There wasn't very many people in the bus as it was the evening at 6:30pm but there was one person who seemed oddly familiar. Lucy sat up.


The girl took out her earbuds and turned her head.

"Lucy?" she smiled widely.

Lily stood up from her seat and ran over to where Lucy is. 

"Oh my god, Lucy!" Lily, hugged her best friend, "We haven't seen each other in like 3 fucking days!"

"I know right!"

"So why are you on the bus at this time?" Lily asked.

"I'm going to visit Louis."

"Oh? Where's Harry then?" 

"He's at home. He is um... sleeping. I think." Lucy answered, stammering a bit, "Anyway, how come you're here?"


"I'm going on a date with Gerard" Lily giggled, clapping her hands.

"Oh my god! Congrats!" Lucy responded, happy for her best friend.

"I know right! It was so cute how shy he was when he asked me out!"


"He said he would show me a surprise at the end of the date as well!"


"What do you think it is?"

"Hmm... I was thinking maybe a trip to the nearby fun fair? It starts at eight-"

The bus stopped.

"Ugh,this is my stop now. Bye bye!" Lucy hugged Lily goodbye. She stood up and quickly exited the bus. Lucy has visited Louis so many times she has practically memorised the path. Within 5 minutes, she was at the building. Thankfully, Louis gave her a key so she entered the building with no problem. She zoomed up the flight of stairs and the corridor and ended up at Louis' door. Just like she said she would, she started banging on the door.

Lucy heard quiet footsteps coming towards the door and soon after the rustling of a lock. The door was slowly opened and she could finally see Louis. He didn't seem to notice it was her at first because of him rubbing his eyes: did he just wake up? 

"I'm not supposed to have any deliveries at this- Lucy?!" Louis stopped, utterly shocked.

He quickly ruffled up his sleep-hair and stood up straight. Lucy smiled a bit but then remembered what she came here for. 

"What the fuck happened between you and Harry, Lou?"

Louis groaned. 

"It was just a little, meaningless argument, Lucy. All best friends have some."

"Well obviously fucking not. I know how Harry acts after your little fights. And he certainly doesn't act like this."

"Look, it's probably just because he's stressed. Must've affected him more."

Lucy didn't fully believe him yet what else was she supposed to ask? For all she knew, he could've been telling her the truth. She decided to just leave it and sighed. Lucy looked to the ground and started to slowly turn around. But before she could, she felt Louis grab her shoulder and turn her back to face him. 

"Come in, I feel bad that you travelled all the way here for nothing."

"Oh no, no, no-"

"I insist" Louis said putting both of his hands on her shoulders.

Lucy gulped as Louis' stared at her. She smiled, agreeing to staying. Louis began to loosen his grip on her shoulders and then rubbed up and down her arms, awkwardly. Louis snapped out of his trance-like mode and smiled, letting go of her. 

"Here, come on in" he welcomed, getting out of the way of the door.


Author's Note

I'm so sorry for not posting for over two months... It's just that I got grounded off of my laptop, my phone broke, everything was a mess. But, I got a new phone and my laptop back so expect some more updates! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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