Chapter Ten

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Panicscar gently prodded the cat she had killed.

"Take any live rogues with us. They will be prisoners until we know what to do with them." Curlstar ordered.

Not this one...

Panicscar turned away, and began to look for breathing cats.

While scanning for cats that were still alive, Panicscar came across a sleek, black pelted she-cat with gray eyes, and her eyes automatically narrowed with suspicion as the she-cat stumbled through the rough terrain.

Panicscar let out a hiss as the she-cat looked her in the eyes.

"I'm looking for my brother, Shardfang." The sleek she-cat looked at her with pleading eyes.

Panicscar pricked her ears with interest as she meowed, "Is anyone else with you?"

The she-cat turned her head away, as though she was beckoning someone forward.

All of a sudden, two black toms padded out from the darkness, their pelts melting into the shadows.

"Inkpelt. Inkfur. Hurry up!" She ordered, and the two cats rushed forward.

Realization struck Panicscar, as she recognized their faint rogue scent. The twin tabby toms stared at her with awe, their heads tilted to the sides.

Oh, yes! I need to tell Curlstar about them.

"Curlstar! I've found cats." Panicscar called.

"Yes, we all have! Are they alive?" Curlstar snorted.

Panicscar twitched her whiskers with frustration before yowling, "Just get over here, you stupid furball!"

The black she-cat narrowed her eyes, and hissed, "You better not be planning anything shady."

The twins nodded in sync, and turned to exchange glances with each other.

Their gray eyes glinted with mischief, but they just stood there.

Panicscar rolled her eyes, and her heart lurched as an image of Vineclaw appeared in her mind. StarClan, I'm becoming like him... She groaned in her mind. Panicscar shook the thought away, and looked back at the cats.

Curlstar appeared beside her, his curled tail twitching with frustration. "Who are you?" He growled.

"I am Cometeye. These are my brothers, Inkpelt and Inkfur." The black she-cat meowed, meeting the leader in the eye.

Cometeye tilted her head, and her eyes sharpened with seriousness.

Panicscar watched as the she-cat glared at the MistClan leader with her intense gray eyes.

Thorns of worry pricked Panicscar's mind. How do they know each other?

Curlstar stood taller beside her, and his claws flexed in and out. "I am your enemy." He growled, his eyes narrowing.

Inkpelt and Inkfur gave a toothy smile beside Cometeye.

What are they smiling about?

Inkpelt pushed something towards them. Something small.

Panicscar jumped to see a small mouse skittering at her paws. Beside her, Curlstar let out a shriek of surprise. His eyes widened with shock, and his neck fur bristled.

When the MistClan cat realized what it was, his fur lay flat, but his tail lashed with fury.

Panicscar turned to the twin toms and gave than a glare full of hatred.

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