Chapter 13

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  "Wake up, Hopeglow!" A paw prodded the she-cat's side, and startled Panicscar.

A question repeated itself in her mind, clouding her vision.

Who am I? Panicscar. No, Hopeglow.


Who am I?

The she-cat staggered to her paws, and blinding starlight glittered around her.

Grayheart stood in front of her, his eyes wide with worry.

"You are safe down on ground! The prophecy is becoming reality!" Grayheart fretted.

Panicscar lashed her tail with irritation. "What prophecy?" She growled, her mind still blank.

Grayheart stopped pacing, turning a furious starlit gaze towards her.

"Y-you don't remember?" He stuttered, clearly angry with himself. "The witness of a murder will deal the last blow." He snorted, and stalked away.

Panicscar glanced around, unsure of what to do.

Out of nowhere, a gaping hole stretched in front of her. Panicscar looked around, and decided, I have to go through there.

The medicine cat walked into the wound-like hole, and as she stepped into it, she fell. Her heart lurched as she tumbled down.

She let out a screech of surprise when she felt her paws on sturdy ground. The reek of blood hit her throat, flooding her nose. Panicscar opened her eyes, to find her vision sideways.

The she-cat stumbled to her paws, to see a shrieking knot of fur and claws.

Panicscar immediately recognized the scent of Eightball and Cometeye.

She lifted her head, and her vision allowed her see a tiny bundle of black fur screeching in agony, and glancing up, Panicscar recognized the large, black she-cat called Cometeye, who had her claws unsheathed, and covered in blood, her paws splattered and stained in blood. Her expression was unreadable as she glared down at the tom.

Eightball shakily stood, lifting his head to look at the large she-cat in front of him with wide, fearful eyes. He mewed pathetically, "Why are you—," but Cometeye snarled before he could continue, "You think of me as a murderer, don't you? But just look at you, you little mousebrain. You killed your so called friend. How do you feel, now that you've finally killed?" She spat.

Panicscar stepped forward, about to interfere when all of a sudden, Cometeye leapt down from the branch.

She rushed toward Eightball, who was frozen with fear. Cometeye knocked Eightball to the ground, and the tom immediately got up and faced her. Cometeye was prepared, and while Eightball was distracted dealt a well-aimed blow.

Eightball staggered back as the claws swept across his throat. The tom fell to the ground, Eightball taking in huge gasps of air.

Panicscar let out a screech of fury, but did nothing as Eightball stopped moving. His green eyes became lifeless, and his whiskers stopped twitching. Blood still ran out of his mouth, staining the leaves under him.

His green eyes were glazed over with terror, and Cometeye stared down at the body. Her fur still bristled with anger, but she slowly let her fur lie flat.

Panicscar stepped towards the rogue she-cat, and Cometeye flinched away. The medicine cat let out a soft hiss.


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