What's She Trying to Pull?

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I finished washing up and getting dressed. But what was Austin doing here? Don't get me wrong, I love seeing him but his mom's out of town. I walked out my bedroom and made my way into the living room. I was wearing a flower romper that looked like a dress. I didn't want to be too fancy but comfortable.

"Hi, I'm Sara." I smiled as I sat down on the couch.

"I heard a lot about you. I'm Rocco." The man smiled back. Of course I recognized a few of the people in the room. They were Austin's managers. But why were they here?

"I'm Mike. Nice to meet you." Another guy said shaking my hand. I smiled. Austin stared at me from across the living room. 'What' I mouthed. He moved his hands to him telling me to go over there. I nodded as I walked over and say next to him.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." I whispered.

"I thought you knew." He said grabbing my hand.

"I didn't. My dad didn't say who his friends were." I explained. Austin laughed.

"Did you fangirl inside when you saw Rocco and Mike?" Austin smirked.

"No!" I giggled. Austin smiled at me.

"Well, you look beautiful. Even when you walked in all sweaty." Austin said in my ear.

"Shut up." I replied jokingly pushing his arm. "What's for dinner?" I asked Jessica as she walked out the kitchen.

"Well, I didn't think you kids would want to eat anything too fancy so I ordered a pizza for you both. You guys could just hang out in your room." She said winking at me. What's she trying to pull? I mean alone time with my boyfriend. Does my dad know about this? Austin nodded as he got up and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go to your room." Austin grinned. I couldn't say no. I nodded as we walked to my room. Austin sat down on my bed as I shut the door.

"Want to watch tv." I said as I sat down with the remote.

"Or.. We can..." Austin smirked. No way. We just started dating and now he wants to start doing this. He's 18 and I'm 17. I don't think so. I'm not ready for this.

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