Chapter 5

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Later that day, after Dylan had rounded up his photoshoot for ELLE MEN magazine, he decided to make it an early night and head home to learn the lines of the Evernight 2 script. Mei Yee stopped him quickly in his tracks and handed him over a thin map.
"Here is your new schedule, Didi. Take a look at it tonight, and let me know tomorrow if you request any alternative changes. We can discuss it tomorrow."
"Okay," he said and quickly took a peek. "She looks alright," he said, thinking of their meeting at the airport and their first briefing here in the office quarters.
"Yes, I think so, too. Now it is her turn to impress us. I heard from the HR department in Manchester, Ming Mei Ling was one of the strongest candidates for this job. She seems to really stand for what she is saying."
Dylan took his dark red longcoat and black coloured beanie, while listening to her. "Yes, when I met her at the airport, she seemed not to be affected by all the fans. Discrete. Reserved. She also started immediately to communicate in her mother tongue. She knows how to break the ice," he grinned.
Mei Yee smiled at that. "That is truly a positive sign. She seems to adjust well to the situation then."
"Yes, a flexible girl. I hope she feels at home quickly."
"Oh yes, I am making arrangements to move her to an appartment closer to the office. Six months is a long time. She might want to create her own little comfy space."
Dylan gave her the xiongdi hand shake. "Ah Mei Yee, always being a Momma Bear for us all! You do know how to make a new wolf to the tribe feel right at home." He gave her a little wink, fully well knowing its irressistable effect on the oppossite sex.
Mei Yee giggled proudly, her joyful expression making her suddenly look 10 years younger than the 42 years she was rocking now. "Oh, it is the least I could do for her. She looks quite charming."
"Haba! I look forward to have her as my teacher. Goodnight, Mei Yee! See you tomorrow!"
"Goodnight, Didi!"
He waved her goodbye and left the office, running into the cold evening wind.

Putting on his black face mask, he dived into the subway and waited there to take the first metro vehicle to his home, which was just a few blocks away. When he looked at his phone, he saw several missed calls from Shen Yue. His heart skipped a beat and he dialed fast the only number he knew by heart.
Like a true predator always being conscious of his surroundings, he withholded from mentioning her name when she picked up the phone. "Ni hao... Everything ok?"
"Hi Didi, I have a flight to Shanghai tomorrow. Do you have time to meet up?"
"Aaargh! I just got my new schedule! The next few weeks my schedule is rather packed."
"Ah, that is good to know," Shen Yue said. She sounded happy and warm, the sensual vibration of her voice caressing his ear like honey.
Surpressing a shiver going through his body, when he heared her voice, he smiled beneath his mask, making his eyes wrinkle in delight at the corners.
The conversation silenced.
His armor dropped like the Wall of Berlin when his suspicions suddenly rang louder and louder in the back of his mind.
"Shen Yue?"
More silence. Then...
"When are you home? It is cold out here!" The sweetest laughter in her voice accompanied her words that lifted the heaviness of a thousand life times off his chest.
He joined her in her laughter."Soon! Very soon! Just wait there!"
Dylan ended the call and jumped quickly in the first passing metro vehicle. Ten minutes later he was running hard through the streets of Shanghai, leaving a trail of surprised people watching him in his wake, not caring a whim that he was losing face in front of all the bypassers. Although he was running like a madman, he felt as if time was teasing him, making him feel it ran way too slow. Rounding a corner he searched for her with his dark eyes, scanning his surroundings for the woman he had loved since he met her on the set of Meteor Garden. His heart beated faster with every step, as the distance between him and his home became closer.
Then there, in the shadows of his street he recognized her silhouette. The back profile of a small woman stood strong in the chilling wind, her black locks dancing along in the air. "Shen Yue!"
Upon hearing his familiar voice, she turned. Her pink suitcase stood next to her. "Xiao Wang!"
'Oh, my god! She is really here!' he thought, thanking the celestial skies for her unexpected arrival  and he bolted like a hunting tiger towards her.
When he crashed into her, he picked her up and held her close to his chest. "You are really here! But how! Why?"
Shen Yue reveled in his sweet embrace, feeling his warmth. Like a purring kitten, she rubbed her cheek against his chest, and said: "I was supposed to make a pitstop at the airport, but my next flight got cancelled. I have another one tomorrow at noon. So I thought to come knock at your door and say 'hi'... I missed you!"
"I missed you, too!" Dylan pulled down his face mask, looked her in her eyes and saw her love for him reflecting in her eyes.
"Wo ai ni..." he whispered and when their lips touched in a slow and sweet embrace, he felt his heart pouring over with all the love he felt for her. Their kiss lasted minutes, and when he finally had the strenght to let her go, partly still fearing it was all an illusion, he saw her eyes shimmer with something carnal. He recognized that gaze out of her million other expressions and it made him reward her with a sensual smirk.
"Let's get you warmed up inside." Quickly he opened the door, and let her walk inside. Lifting up her suitcase, he followed her and closed the door behind him.
For a few moments Dylan just stood there looking at Shen Yue. With his back against the door and still wearing his beanie and longcoat, he watched her taking off her coat and walking boots. His eyes grew darker as he watched her, memorizing her every move.
"How was your day at work," she asked, acting as if she did not sense the meaning of his silence. He was always so chatty, but now he did not say a word.
When she turned away from him to walk to the living room, Dylan walked to her slowly, pulling her close and hugging her from behind.
Shen Yue closed her eyes, reveling in his warm embrace; deeply happy she was here with him. Away from the crowd and the million eyes that watched their every move.
But now this all did not matter today. Turning in his arms she threw her arms around him and kissed him long and hard, forgetting all decorum her parents had brought her up with.
To the world she was sweet Shen Yue, but to Dylan she was way more than just sweet. He had made her embrace her own femininity, dared her to explore the hidden depths of her own sexuality in their stolen moments, by matching his own in a beautiful dance of fiery lust. She was his siren, now thirsting for his love and touch.
And she was here. This was their moment. She would seize it with all her heart.
When their tongues touched, Dylan moaned. He deepened their kiss, filling her senses with his masculine scent; a mix of musk and his favourite perfume. She felt his hands on her, shooting liquid fire through her body.
In his arms, she felt truly loved. How long would it last until the next time they would see each other? Their fragile relationship made out of bittersweet stolen moments.
Slowly, he took her hands and led her to the bedroom.
Tonight, the world was theirs.
Tonight, the so- called brothers became lovers, painting their lovers' dance in poetry and motion.
No regrets. Just shooting for his moon and landing together among the stars...

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