Chapter 6

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Rays of light fell in golden hues onto the bed, casting the room in the warm glow of a new day and a new dawn.
Shen Yue opened her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering hesitatingly as daylight shone bright on her sleepy face.
She noticed how her legs and upper body lay bare and tangled in the bed sheets. The handsome face of her lover greeted her, his eyes gazing at her with sincere affection.
Lazily she sought his warmth, snuggling herself up against his naked body like a purring kitten. "Goodmorning, Xiao Wang!"
"Goodmorning, bao bei..." he whispered, and rewarded her with a smile. Shen Yue smiled back.
Dylan kissed her forehead and held her close, telling himself to hold her five more minutes before he had to get up and get dressed for his english lessons. "What time does your plane leave?"
"11h37... I do not want to go," Shen Yue murmured.
"I do not want you to go, either, but Miss Ming Mei Ling has scheduled today for my english classes."
"What time is it now?"
Dylan reached for his phone on the night stand and looked at its screen. "5h45, I wish i could stop time."
"I agree. Me too! Is that the lady you picked up at the airport yesterday? I saw a picture of her on Weibo."
"Yes, that's her. She came all the way from England, so I better not keep her waiting," Dylan said while rubbing gently his hand over her back. He was not surprised Shen Yue already knew about Ming Mei Ling. Every time people took pictures of him, the internet knew about his whereabouts in almost realtime. It was scary, almost. At the very start of his acting career it frustrated him, not being able to move through society in calm and peace anymore, but he had learned fast that nothing in life was in control, and complaining about it was up to no use. So instead, he chose to be always transparent to Shen Yue, so she always knew at firsthand what was the truth. Some fans dared to edit pictures and he did not wanted her to be worried about such things.
"She looks pretty..." she pouted.
"You are prettier," he laughed, not being able to handle her cuteness. "Don't tell me you are jealous?"
"Only a little, maybe..." Shen Yue smiled, hiding her smile under the bed sheet. "After all, you are the 16th most handsome man in the world now. You are the most eligible bachelor in Shanghai. Surely, I cannot ignore such a thing..." she teased.
Dylan laughed. "Bachelor!" He kissed her hard on her mouth and gave her a smirk. "As soon as it is possible, I will give my fans the speech of their lifetime, their opinion about us be damned. I only care for three things: you, our fans and us both to become a great actor and actress. People will always talk anyway."
"Yes, you are right, Didi... time will grant us everything we wish for. I am already grateful, that I have you by my side now. I feel so much braver since our filming together in Arxan. Knowing that we are supported by so many fans overseas, it gave me wings."
"Then I hope you soar very high in the sky, bao bei, for that is where you belong; to be as wild and free as a bird. Wo ai ni!" Dylan looked at her as he said those words and kissed her softly, enjoying the softness of her lips against his.
"Wo ai ni, Didi," Shen Yue said after his kiss. "Go take a shower. I will make us breakfast."
"Haba! Xiè xiè, bao bei, you are my little treasure." He jumped out of the bed, granting her a wonderful view of his beautifully sculpted body as he walked across the room to pick up his clothes, that laid scattered across the floor.
Her cheeks turned red as she remembered their passion last night.
"Haba! Okay!" She jumped out of bed too, quickly putting on her clothes and heading towards the kitchen to bake some eggs for them.
She looked at the clock and cursed inwardly that time always flew so fast! She devoured every moment they could be together, and she always prayed for extra strenght to withstand the feeling of home sickness to her Didi when they were apart. Focusing on her acting and photography and reading the supportive comments of her fans, helped her get through the hard moments. It was what it was, she had thought often and she had decided to make the best of it. Time was always passing anyway. It may be a difficult road for them now, but it wasn't going to stay difficult forever, she thought optimistically.
Quickly after setting the table as the eggs were baking in the pan, she washed herself up and brushed her hair and brushed her teeth above the sink in the restroom. She would quickly shower after breakfast, she thought. She heard Didi turn off the water and step out of the shower.
She made soya milk and put the baked eggs on two plates. Her heart was soaring, when she saw him, fully dressed for work, appear in the kitchen. "Woah! You look stunning! Here have some breakfast! You need to regain your strenght," she teased, while winking at him.
Dylan smiled at that, his eyes again looking at her with a predatory gaze.
He took her in his arms and kissed her. "Xiè xiè, bao bei, you take care so well of me."
Shen Yue giggled and together they sat down and began discussing their schedule while they were eating. It quickly showed they would have to miss each other again for at least two to three weeks.
"It is okay, Xiao Wang, you can fully focus on your english classes and learning your script. In three weeks I am in Xiangyang as well for my next scenes."
"Haba, I will let you know by then, when I have time off after shooting. It will work out. I'll take you out on a hotpot dinner. The food is great in Xiangyang."
"Sounds perfect! Send me pictures when you are on the set. I want to see you in Ning Que's clothes!"
"You sound like one of my xiongdi," he smiled.
"Well, I am your xiongdi! You know I always support you in everything you do. I think you will be perfect for the role."
"Xiè xiè, you make me blush now."
Shen Yue looked at him and gave him her most beautiful smile. Oh, how much she loved him! Thoroughly enjoying their last moments together, she said warmly:
"Even though life is not perfect right now, you do make it perfect."
Dylan looked at her. Her words were filled with love and warmth, but he still detected some fear and doubt in her eyes. Which he fully understood, for after all, it only had been two weeks ago that his little Shen Yue had been a victim of name-shaming again. He had been seething with anger about it and he had wanted to track down the bully who had bashed her on social media, but up until now he had had no luck in finding the loser. Which still frustrated him to the core. The bastard needed to be taught a good lesson.
"Shen Yue, I will do whatever it takes, to pull us through this. Our roots run deep. We got this," he said softly as he took her hand in his and gently carressed her fingers. "Just try to be StrongStrong for a little while longer."
"Yes, Didi, I will be StrongStrong! You are right." She sighed and took another bite. "I am going to shower quickly and then head to the airport. Checking in will take some time at this time of the week."
Dylan laughed, almost choking in his drink. "I hope you will take care in remembering to put on some clothes first."
Shen Yue looked at him, astonished. Then her face broke into laughter.
"Ah, mission accomplished, " Dylan smiled, glad to see her happy mood had returned. "There is my happy little mooncake again. Haba, I will ask Zhuo to escort you to the airport. We can leave together."


Two weeks later...

Mei Ling cursed inwardly... She so could not do this!
It was official. Ming Mei Ling had fully fallen head over heels with Dylan Wang and she cursed the skies for being such a tease...

N/A: stay tuned for Chapter 7! I worked long at Dyshen's scene, and I was intertupted by new Ever Night 2 updates in between. It is now 2 AM and I do need my sleep, haha, so tomorrow evening I will continue my writing. More will be revealed soon about which role exactly Mei Ling will be playing in Didi's life! Just wait and see! I hope you all enjoy it so far! Feel free to vote and to review. Stay tuned!

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