Chapter 11: Can't Hold Back

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Throwing the washcloth back into the bowl, it flies off the table with a loud crash, as Cas grips up Dean, pressing him hard against the wall and between his own hardened body. He kisses him like a man drowning, and for once, Dean has a hard time keeping up. He opens his mouth to the angel, their tongues dancing. Dean pulls back with a gasp, as Cas' hand finds his erection.

Cas' eyes beg for Dean's approval, and Dean gives his permission by kissing Cas again, filled with as much passion as he can give, being tied up and all. Cas teases Dean, his touch light and feathery along his throbbing tool.

"Are you sure this is okay," Cas asks again, his voice strained.

"God, Cas, yes... stop playing, you're killing me here," Dean begs, on the precipice of climax.

Castiel trails his lips down Dean's neck, making his way to his nipple. Taking a path to the left, his mouth closes over it, as he does, Dean growls his name. Cas bites, hard, and grips Dean tighter, pulling just on the right side of pain. Dean explodes, his cum shooting up in an arc, and making lines along the floor.

Cas pumps the power through his hand, this time causing Dean to scream his name, as he forces a second orgasm on the heels of the first. Dean bucks in the chains, and against Castiel's hand, cumming once more, before Cas stops the assault on Dean.

The floor is cover in Dean's seed, and his head lolling forward, body completely spent. He's hardly able to hold himself up on his badly shaking legs. Castiel licks the liquid off his fingers, moaning slightly at the musky taste of Dean's passion, then collects the discarded washcloth to wipe the rest of it off. Slightly discomforted by his own erection, Cas adjusts himself, collects the bowl, and quickly teleports back to the room with the sink, before Dean wakes.

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