" hate being vulnerable "

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- I would rather walk with a friend through the dark ,Then alone in the light

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- I would rather walk with a friend through the dark ,
Then alone in the light

The week went by fairly good , Roman and Galina were still having some rough times but Roman and Brooklyn were getting to know each other more. Going to lunch or movies just to hang out and pass time. And yes , Brooklyn went to the mall with Kofi, even though she was late by 20 minutes. But today she was with her friends , eating some dinner at a semi-fancy restaurant. Them all laughing and joking around. " so Brooklyn " the Brit said snapping Brooklyn out of her deep thoughts " how's your life going ? Since we haven't hit you yet " Brooklyn looked at them , trying to compose herself as the story is confusing. Even to her.

  " well , I moved out from Ryan and is staying at a.. friends place. From that Ryan's been being an asshole and I've been living my best life" also I'm breaking a marriage cause I'm kind of having an affair with the husband. It kind of hurt her not to tell them everything but she couldn't. Brooklyn wouldn't be able to explain why and she doesn't want to them to leave. " wow you finally left that asshole , no offense but he got on my nerves" Brooklyn played with my food , waving off Paige's comment. " yeah , he almost punched me when I beat him in uno, " Xavier said making everyone laugh. well, that sounds like him. "Anyway, you guys want to have a game night someday ?"

  They all agreed in a heartbeat, they missed having game night. Or any meeting up as they all been busy with life or work. " just now my monopoly skills never went away " they chuckled at Brooklyn response. All of them thinking they are the king/queen of monopoly but really it was Brooklyn. " Xavier you're the first one out !" Big E semi yelled while Brooklyn and Paige laughed and Kofi nods his head backing up his friend. " I'm am not ! Who gets Broadway first ?? Me !" I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. My friends were always childish and she loved it. Being an adult sucks so to have a fun time for her was rare. " Paige , I gotta go to the bathroom" Paige nodded " want me to come with you ? Never know what kinda creeps are here " Brooklyn shook her head. Going to the bathroom shouldn't end in her getting into a fight or something.

Brooklyn snook off. Going to the women's bathroom but seeing that there was a small line. Brooklyn walking away going to the family restroom. Which is weird since nobody was here. She entered about to turn in the light , but a hand grabbed her turning her around. And before she could scream it covered her mouth. " oh, how I missed you princess" she immediately knew the force. Trying to think of a plan to get out of here but she couldn't see and having heels on made it worse. " don't freak out , I won't do anything to you. If you listen to me " she shook her head. Not wanting to anything with this pedophile.

" oh, how I missed my Brooklyn" he sniffed her neck. Making a bad set of chills go down her spine. Wanting someone to burst through the door and save her. " oh , you didn't miss daddy?" She shook her head trying to keep her head turned away from her breath. Which smelt of alcohol.
He was about to press his body up again Brooklyn's but she took the opportunity and kicked him in the nuts. Making him groan and stumble back. Brooklyn not wasting any time , ran out the door into the public. Her breathing hard and her eyes on the bridge of letting tears flow. She quickly walked back to the table. Trying to compose herself. Knowing her friends are going to ask what happened.

   When she got there they were laughing and having a good time. But Xavier saw her and instead of asking he just got up from his seat and hugged her. And Brooklyn didn't hold back the tears. She cries into he's chest , hugging him back. Tight. He hushed her , rubbing her back while the stream of tears flowed down her cheeks. " wanna go to the car?" Brooklyn simply nodded her head. Xavier picking her up bridal style while the rest paid for the bill. Honestly, when will this end. She hasn't been doing anything bad. Brooklyn guessed it was her fault for marrying a sociopath but why ? Before she knew it they were all in the car and she was ranting her heart out to them. Telling everyone what happened. What happened to her and Ryan. Telling them about Galina and her and Roman, which they didn't question me about.

  When Brooklyn was done she was balling her eyes out. Seeing how messy hbathroom really was. It's a roller coaster. The part where you wanna throw up cause it's so intense. " first , you have to get a refraining order on him " Big E said first " Ryan isn't your husband anymore. He's a rapist, abuser and you don't need him anymore"   She nods my head as Xavier wipes her tears " to be honest Brooklyn. You are the most strong independent women I ever met " Xavier said while everyone nods there head at his statement. " you're going to get throw this. With Paige , Big E , Kofi  and me by your side , okay ? "

" yeah, " her voice in the verge of breaking. Loving the way her friends were. And the next batch of tears weren't sad tears. They were tears of joy. Happy to have her friends by her side. " okay but your life has a lot of tea" Paige's voice echoed in Brooklyn's ears. Everyone laughing at Paige's comment.

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