Lord of the Flies

102 3 14

Chapter warnings: Fighting, Use of the d-slur, Hearing voices, vomiting 


       Veronica didn't enjoy violence after the incidents in Sherwood, but if someone were to mess with her cousin or friends, she'll forget all about that discomfort and go apeshit on that person. That's exactly what happened on Wednesday when some guy named Shane Oman (apparently he was notorious for something in Northshore) decided to mess with Janis.

He started by calling her names when she was trying to talk back to her table with her lunch, and then he kicked her in the shin and smacked her lunch tray out of her hand when she didn't give a reaction. By that point, Veronica had enough.

"Come on, Dyke." Shane taunted, "Answer me. We all know you have a mouth since you use it so much to eat puss-"

He was cut off when he was shoved backwards. A few "ohhhs" went through the lunchroom and he glared down at the cobalt girl.

"What's your damage, Shane?" Veronica snapped, "She wasn't bothering you. Leave her alone."

Shane towered over her, easily standing six feet tall. His hate-filled stare drilled holes into Veronica, but she stood her ground.

"You think you're so tough, huh?" Shane growled.

Veronica merely shrugged her shoulders, which seemed to be an insult to Shane because he shoved her hard. Her lightweight body (thanks to how little she's been eating) toppled to the ground. She tried to jump back up, but a sneaker drove into her stomach.

Shane began repeatedly kicking her while she's down (literally) while spatting out insults. His asshat friends held back Janis and the others at her table. People are yelling, even cheering, and recording videos of the fight. The teachers are either lost in the crowd or don't care enough to do anything.

"That's what you get you stupid bitch." Shane hissed, finally stopping his onslaught of kicks. He smoothed his shirt and turned back to Janis to continue his torment.

Veronica is lying face-down on the floor, twitching and shaking. Her stomach is throbbing. Her lip is busted, oozing blood down her chin.

"You're just going to let him win? Get up. You know you can take him down."

That horribly familiar voice rang out in Veronica's ears.

"You know you have it in you."

She shuddered.

"Do it. Do it! Kill him! Spill his blood! Gouge his chest! Do him in!"

She coughed and tried to push herself up.

"Kill him! Break his bones! Spill his blood!"

JD's voice raises louder and louder.

"Kill him! Rip him apart! Spill his blood! Tear his skin!"

A tone of insanity. He's screaming like a mad man, chanting and singing lines of morbid manslaughter. It's not right. His voice is distorted. His influence is too much.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!!"

Veronica flung herself at Shane, colliding with his back and sending him toppling sideways. Her blood is hot in her veins. She feels like a wild animal. This must have been the rush JD felt.

"You stupid fuck." Shane hissed, only to have his threat be hollow when Veronica punches him square in the nose. The sickening crunch and cracking sounds are almost as loud as his howls of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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