Chapter 10

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Peter walked through the crowds, weaving through the throngs of people. His whole body was relaxed as he started to do what he needed to do with the others behind him.

His sister moved to his side as he collected some cloth for his mother and paid for it using some of the leftover jam that he kept out.

"And who is this?" the woman asked, staring curiously at her. She smiled when Willow moved back a bit and looked at him.

"This is my sister," Peter said. He looked at her, smiled, and Willow smiled at him. "She is helping me today. Is Miles in?"

"He's asleep, why?" the female asked. She didn't question why Peter didn't say anything about his sister's name or the two other men standing behind. She knew better than to ask, knowing that the young boy wouldn't answer.

"My father made him a boat for his birthday," Peter said. He gestured for his sister to hand over the satchel that it was in and took it out. "For his birthday."

The female hesitantly took the boat from him and stared at it. "You remembered," she said, her voice shaking a bit.

Peter offered her a smile and nodded. "Of course," he said. "And, I know that it would have been hard for you to get him many gifts."

The female nodded her head. She looked between the two children and then at the boat in her hands. "Wait here for a minute," she said, and Peter opened his mouth in protest. "I am not going to wake him. Gods know that he needs his sleep."


The female shook her head. "Just stay, please. I'll be back."

Peter hesitated but nodded his head. "Ok," he said. He watched as she walked away, wondering what she had planned.

He knew that the female, Lorina, didn't have much with anything.

Her husband died in the war that had hurt his father, and her son was injured. Like Peter's father, her son had lost a leg, but he also had lost an arm and had to live with his mother. He was gifted with nightmares of that day and couldn't really function in society.

Willow pulled on her brother's shirt catching his attention. Curiosity shone in her eyes, and Peter cocked his head in question. "How did you meet them?" she asked.

Peter ducked his head suddenly shy. He could feel the gaze of the Werewolf King on him and knew that he was listening in.

"Well?" she asked.

"I was going to do some... business and I was close to a pub. A man was kicked out of the bar, and I helped him home." He didn't say about the part where the male had almost killed him nor what business he had to do.

Shiron frowned and studied the boy before him. He knew that there was more to this story and wondered if it had to deal with that Dryad. He didn't say a word, knowing that the boy wouldn't tell him anything, especially with the female walking back out carrying something.

"Here," Lorina said, trying to hand the package over to him. "Take this. Have your mother make a dress for your sister." She lifted the brown cloth to show something blue and something costly.

Peter shook his head. "I can't take that," he said, looking at her with wide eyes. "It's too expensive. I know that you are going to have to use it."

"Take it," Lorina said, handing it to him. "She's going to need it." She nodded to his sister, and Peter frowned and moved in front of her. She looked up to see that both men had moved as well before looking at the boy at front. "It was a gift from a friend that you might meet."

Peter hesitated and took the gift from her. He stayed silent and waited, knowing that she had something else to say.

"You aren't the only one has contacts," Lorina said, giving him a sad smile. "When it is time, head north. You will find help there." She kept an eye on the taller male, knowing full well that he was a Werewolf and the King.

"So... you know?" Peter asked. His voice turned soft, knowing full well that someone else could be listening in.

Lorina nodded her head. "I have known, long before the Great War and the split between us." She shook her head, and Peter shut his mouth. "I can't say much about what I know, not here, at least. We aren't really... welcomed here."

Peter furrowed his brows. "Then why do you live here?" he asked.

Lorina shook her head, indicating that she wasn't going to tell him. "There's too much to discuss and little time to do it. If I do recall, you still have work to do. Be careful and stay safe."

Peter frowned but didn't question her. He placed the cloth in Willow's bag, keeping an eye on her. "I will see you when I get the chance," he said, backing away from the door and pushing Willow behind him. "Tell Miles that I said happy birthday."

Lorina smiled and her head. "I will," she promised. "He'll be upset that he missed you." She smiled at Willow. "It was nice meeting you." She looked at the two Werewolf and made a signal that caught Shiron's attention and curiosity. "And you two as well."

Shiron nodded his head. "You too," he replied. He gestured for Peter and Willow to walk towards him. "Come, let's finish up with your work, Nephew," he said. "We don't want your mother to be mad at us."

Peter nodded his head. "Yes, Uncle," he said, and he walked towards him.

"May the Gods protect you," Lorina said, and Peter looked at her. She was holding the door and looked grave. "Learn what you can and study. We'll meet again."

Peter hesitated and nodded his head. "I will," he promised.

And with that, the female nodded and closed the door leaving Peter more curious about her and her family.

Some things had never matched up with them, but he never questioned it. Maybe he should... for the sake of his sister.

The Lost Princess (1st book of the Protector Series)Where stories live. Discover now