Chapter 5

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Rowena clutched her husband's arm as she stared at the baby before her. Her heart softened when she caught sight of the little bundle, so beautiful that she had a feeling that the baby wasn't human.

"This is the Elven Princess," Shiron said, and Rowena looked at him. He had a grave look on his face, and Rowena could tell that something bad had happened to her mother. "Her uncle had decided to try and take the throne. He killed her mother."

Rowena placed a hand over her heart and one over her mouth. Her green eyes were filled with tears as she thought about the baby girl's mother and how she would live alone. "The poor child," she whispered, her voice soft.

"What do you want us to do?" James asked. His heart broke at the thought of her growing up without a family, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to help her. He didn't understand why his son already had a bond with her, but he had a feeling that it was important. However, he had to think rationally. This wasn't a place for a young baby. "We-"

Shiron raised his hand, stopping the male from talking. "We will provide for everything," he said softly. He understood James's concern and how he wanted to protect not only his family but the child as well. "You won't have to live like this any longer."

Rowena hesitated but nodded her head. Her gaze was still on the sleeping child, her heart yearning to take her from her son. "What does she eat?" she asked.

"Fruits, vegetables, and bread when she is older," Shiron replied. "I would like to see if she will latch on and drink some of your milk, please," he said. "If not, then we will bring a cow for her to get some milk."

Both Rowena and Peter hesitated before finally, Rowena reached out for the little girl. "I won't hurt her," she promised, staring at her young son. "Poor Dear is probably hungry."

Peter hesitated but nodded his head. He handed the baby to his mother and braced himself for the scream he was sure to follow. However, it never came.

The baby did whimper, but this whimper was different. It was as if she had known that she was about to be fed and was telling them that she was hungry.

"Hand me over my shawl," Rowena said, nodding towards the door where the cloth hung. She started to remove some of her dress so she would be able to feed the young child. When Peter returned with the shawl, she placed it around herself and started to feed the child.

Shiron relaxed when he heard the baby start to suckle and nodded his head. "She cannot live in the Forest," he said, and both mother and father looked at him. "She has a bond with your son because he is her Protector."

"Protector?" James asked, and Shiron nodded. "From what?"

"The question is "from who,"" Shiron said. "And the answer is her uncle." He shifted in his seat, still being wary of the unsteady chair. "I can not say much because it could change the future. What I can say is that our lives do depend not only your son but her as well."

"I had already accepted the fact that I am to take care of her," Peter said, his voice soft. He watched as his parents looked at him, his face grave. "It is my duty, like helping around the house."

James's face grew hard, his heart breaking again. He hated that he couldn't help out around the house and putting so much on his young son's shoulder. He felt less of a man than he had been, especially in front of the Werewolf King.

Peter moved in front of his father and clasped his hand. He didn't say a word as father and son stared at each other silently. Not a word was needed between them, for they already knew what the other was thinking.

Finally, James nodded his head and offered his son a grim smile. He clasped his son around the back of his neck and pulled his head closer to him.

"'And the one with the golden heart shall lead the way,'" Shiron mused, and both and man looked that way. He had a smile on his face and shook his head. "It's an old wives' tale," he said softly.

Peter frowned but didn't say a word. He didn't believe Shiron when he said that, but he couldn't say anything in front of his parents, not yet.

The baby whimpered when she was done eating, and Peter rushed to her side. She grew silent when Rowena placed her in her Protector's arms and sighed happily.

"What's her name?" Rowena asked after she had fixed up her dress and folded the shawl. She was surprised that she had been able to produce milk for the baby, but she would not let the men know.

Shiron shook his head and smiled sadly. He wished he could tell them her true name, but it could be the end of her and them. Even he didn't know what it was, but he had a feeling that it was the name that her parents had told him all those years ago. "I don't know," he replied. "She doesn't have one."

Rowena nodded her head and furrowed her brows. She bit her lip as she thought of a name that would be beautiful for this beautiful child.

"Willow," her son said, softly that only Shiron and Silon could here. He kept his eyes on the small bundle and placed his finger in her grasp.

The little girl yawned and turned her head to the side. A smile was on her face, and the young boy fell deeper in love with her.

"Say that again, Boy," Shiron said, silently approving of the name that he had said.

Peter looked up, startled. His big, doe-like eyes stared up at the Werewolf King, a blush starting to form on his face. "Umm... I said, 'Willow,' Y-Your Majesty," he stuttered. He looked down at the little girl. "I think the name fits."

Shiron nodded his head and looked at the young boy's parents. "Well?" he asked. "What do you two say?"

Both Rowena and James looked at each other before looking at their son. They had wanted to name a child, 'Willow,' but it hadn't been possible.

"Are you sure?" Rowena asked, and her son nodded. She nodded her head. "Then, so be it. Her name is Willow."

Peter smiled and looked at the bundle. "Hello, Willow," he said softly. "I am your new big brother, and I promise to look after until you don't need me anymore."

The Lost Princess (1st book of the Protector Series)Where stories live. Discover now