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I stay frozen in the same position for almost 30 minutes and suddenly fall to the ground. My muscles begin to get sore and restless and I can't think of anything else to do but lay on the floor until I'm rested from what this person did to me.

I hear some footsteps echo in the distance and I turn my head towards the sound afraid of someone else entering. I'm vulnerable right now and anyone can come in and attack without being able to defend for myself. I rise up slowly and then fall back down to the floor knowing that I'm hurting.

I continue to lay on the floor on my back and breathe gently. I stare at the ceiling to see the hanging bodies and it disturbs me. All 87 bodies have all gone here, and they look like they've been eaten. The limbs are missing and they're not cut sharply, it's as if someone ripped them apart. The footsteps get louder and I hear noises as if someone is moving things and opening doors.

"Hello?!" I shout out as I find the strength to rise half of my body up from the ground. I stare at the source of the noise as it continues to get louder.

"Stiles?" I hear a female voice and it echoes through the aquarium. "Stiles is that you?!" I begin to recognize the voice as it is Lydia and it sounds like it's getting closer.

"Lydia!" I shout and get up from the ground. Lydia runs in spotting me and helps me stand up properly as she has sensed something. "How did you find me?"

"This morning at school when you and Scott were arguing, I heard a song." She responds and it begins to explain as to why she suddenly left the table. "... I followed it everywhere and it lead me... here." She says looking at the ripped apart human bodies hanging from the ceiling. "Where are we? What's happening?"

"The missing people I was talking about this morning... they've been taken here all along and feeding some thing." I say and I need to look around for something that can lead me to where they are going or what the hell is happening. "Derek came to me with information about this as well and turns out, Peter and Theo aren't quite as dead as we thought." I say as I'm beginning to look around and spot a table with a notebook resting on it.

"That doesn't explain why I heard a song?" She says and I ignore her as it doesn't make sense. "Where's Derek?" She asks as I pick the book up finding it hard to tell her every detail while I'm in this mode of panic of not knowing what is happening. My mind is overwhelmed by everything, that man appeared out of nowhere and just took control of Derek's mind and froze me with a command.

"This man, he's with Theo and Derek, and he just told me to do something and I would do it."

"Like mind control?" Lydia says confused not believing me and it's confusing. This is all hard to grasp on and I open the book to find the first couple of pages empty. There has to be something worth to look at.

"He took Derek and just changed his entire personality by touching his head. Peter said that the man was turning off his humanity, and he did it. I don't exactly know how he did it." I say and as I continue to flip through the pages I find multiple different drawings of what looks like a underwater creature. The creature has this fish tail like a mermaid, or shark with spikes on it. It's body is thin, human and corpse like with rib cages bulging out of the skin, and has fins all around it's tail, arms, and spine. The monster has webbed hands with long sharp claws that could slice through steel maybe. I notice a gill in the neck of this creature and continue to flip through the pages for more drawings. When it comes to the facial features of the creature, it looks human like, wide big black eyes, flat nose, high cheekbones, ears like elves, and no other detail.

"What is that?" Lydia asks as she looks over my shoulder at the drawing.I flip through the pages and find a diary like entry and read it:

I do not know if the creature that Peter has stolen from the facility in D.C. can read my mind while writing this, but I must write them. Peter has plans to use this creature against the pack and I write this for them. They will be able to do something about this creature.

SIRENS • STILES STILINSKI / BOYXBOYWhere stories live. Discover now