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Sasha: (looks at phone) wow he text me a lot


Sasha:just diggy (blushing)

Prince u blush a lot

Sasha:(mocking him) u blush a lot

Prince:what's his last name


Prince:two doors do


Prince:he lives here

Sasha:(runs to the bathroom)

Prince:what are u doing

Sasha:combing ow my ow hair ow

Prince:(looks down)ur dating him

Sasha:I wish

Prince:(reading her phone)these look like he likes you

Sasha:(tossing hair) (takes shirt off)

Prince:what are u doing

Sasha:making my self look good

Prince:thought us were gonna say slutty

Sasha:(puts on short shorts)

Prince:(licks lips)

Sasha:how do I look


Sasha:(runs away to diggys room)

Sasha:diggy(opens door)(starts crying)

Diggy:it's not what it looks like

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