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Jazakumullahu khairan for your votes...
And comments 😊

“حتى تحترق النجوم وحتى تفنى العوالم ،حتى تتصادم الكواكب، وتذبل الشموس وحتى ينطفئ القمر، وتجف البِحار والأنهار ،حتى أشيخ فتتآكل ذكرياتي ،حتى يعجز لساني عن لفظ اسمك ،حتى ينبض قلبي للمرة الأخيرة،فقط عند ذلك ربما أتوقف،ربما”

It translates to something like:

“Until the stars burn out, and all worlds end, until the planets collide, and the suns wither, until the moon’s light dies, and the rivers and seas run out, until I grow so old that my memories fade away, and my tongue cannot say your name, until my heart beats for the last time, only then .. will I maybe stop, maybe”

This was the protagonist’s answer to his love asking him “Will you love me forever?”

And i find it just beautiful :)

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