love me once again

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once upon a time in ma the

land of mirys their was a

very lovely princess who fell

in love. but due too the law

of the land she was only meant too fall in love with a Prince form another land..

this princess was so confused that she didn't know what to do next so she decided to run away with the love of her life to another land. but this love of her life sadi that he can't live with her ,because if he should try to run away there are two things that will happen.

firstly the king will arrest his poor father ,

secondly,if he caught trying to run away with the princess he will be arrested and after he his been arrested his head will be. .chopped of in the center of the market square.

this lovers are so confused that they don't know what too do next.

the princess asked him saying, what do we do now my love?

the farmers son answering my princess I don't know. so the princess and the farmers son. decided to go back home to their land.but in their way back home some Knight of the king who knew of the intention of the king went too the princess and told her that they knew a place where the  princess and the farmers son could stay at for the main time. the princess was so happy with what the Knight told her but she was also sad do u know why?because she was afraid that her farther the  king would kill her lovers father. so she asked for a favor form the Knight that they should please help her rescue her loves father form the anger of her father and that they should bring  him to where their hideout was.

the Knight did as the princess requested because of their loyalty to her.

after a very very long time of their runaway form their home land the decided to settling down with there lives when there was no trace of the king looking for them anymore. after nine months the princess gave birth to twins a fine handsome boy and a beautiful girl and the lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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