1st day of training, and beyond!

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You woke up the next day from someone banging on your cell door. You sit up groggily, just in time to see someone bursting into your cell. 

"Get up", they say gruffly, "first day of training today. You'll want to meet the instructor. He doesn't like kids that are late". You use the wall behind you to stand up. The collar that you completely forgot about suddenly zaps you.


"I said, 'get up'. Now hurry", the guard says, and pulls you by your arms. They shove you into another room, but this time it's bigger. It had a few thin windows at the top and rafters holding the roof up. You watch, astounded, as winged creatures fly through the gaps in between the rafters. Your gaze moves downwards as you see someone approaching you. Your breath hitches when you recognize the long hair, and metal arm. You were a bit amazed as to how HYDRA was able to capture someone so....buff. You try to back away when he gets very close to you. He looks over you like you were his prey. He grabs your chin and forces you to look into his eyes. They were bright blue.

"Ты, как и я, станете оружием", he growls. (You, just like me, are going to become a weapon).

"Ты должен сначала сломать меня", you respond. You saw a flicker of surprise pass his face, but it is quickly replaced by that emotionless facade. (You'll have to break me first)

"Ты говоришь по-русски?", he asks. (You speak Russian?)

"Да. Моя тетя научила меня", he nods in appreciation. (Yes. My aunt taught me.)

"Good to know", he responds in fluent English. Your eyes widen as he smirks. He pulls you too a corner of the room where the standard workout equipment is.

"Show me what your endurance is", he says coolly, pointing at the treadmill. You nod, then get on. He monitors the treadmill on a tablet he pulled out of nowhere, and you start. You begin just jogging for thirty minutes, but then he increases the speed. You don't get fazed, and easily adjust to the speed. He seemed impressed. He let's you run like that for maybe fifteen minutes. Then, he puts it on the highest speed. You sprint for maybe five minutes, and then he shuts it down. You slow down with the machine, taking short breaths from all of the running.

"I knew you would do well on the treadmill. You run everyday", he points out, and your little bubble of victory is popped. You should have realized that he knew everything about you.

"What should I call you?", you suddenly blurt out. You mentally slap yourself for doing that. You probably would get shocked.

"Sergeant", he responds shortly, "Now, Stark, we want to test your fighting skills. We'll put you in a simulation. Don't move". You freeze, and feel something pinch your neck. You quickly spin to see him with an empty syringe in one hand, his other already at his gun. Then you fall.



ooh. gotta admit, got the simulation idea from the divergent series (kinda). anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! bye bye lovely readers.

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