Im weak for your love

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After all that Jack was aloud home we walked In together I went to my room but he followed me there
"Hey Zach can I speak to you?"he asked
" Yeah sure"I said
We got to my room he sat by me putting his arm around me he looked at me in my eyes he did something I never thought he would ever do he kissed me I kissed back and out lips moved in sync
"I missed this"he mutters
"Same"I whispered
"Do you still have feelings for me?" He asked
"They never left"I smile looking at the floor
He hugs me
"I love you"he smiled
"I-I um"I sutter
"Hey it's okay if you can't say it I'll wait"
I smile

I depend on you|sequel to in my to my heart|book 3Where stories live. Discover now